Page 19 of Tiers of Joy

We drive in silence until he pulls up at the doctor’s office. He takes my elbow and escorts me in. As we walk in a young nurse smiles and bats her eyelashes at Gaige. He doesn’t seem to pay her much attention though.

“Where’s doc, is he busy?” He asks.

“No, he’s free right now.” She answers.

He doesn’t waste any time and drags me through to the doctor’s office, not even knocking.

“Doc, you got a sec to stitch up her hand?” He asks, practically thrusting me forward.

“Hi, I'm Esme.” I smile at the doc and turn and give Gaige a pissed off glare.

“Stop shoving me around.” I grit my teeth.

The doctor smiles and walks round and gestures for me to sit on the bed.

Gaige goes to pull me by my elbow but I yank it out of his hand.

“I'm quite capable.” I snap as I walk to the bed.

“Hello Esme, I'm Dr Alfred Clarke. But you can call me Doc like everyone else seems to. Now, what happened?” He asks as he unwraps the rag.

“I've had a bit of an electrical problem; all of the lights blew and glass bulbs shattered everywhere. I don’t have a dustpan and brush, so I used two bits of paper instead, it didn’t go too well.” I shrug.

“You don’t think.” Gaige grunts from the other side of the room.

I stare him down. That is until Doc decides to poke around in the cut.

“Woah ow…ow…” I complain.

I notice Gaige crosses his arms over his chest and angrily clenches his jaw. Well excuse me for being in pain! He’s such an arsehole.

“Sorry. Gaige, come here and hold Esme’s hand while I get this bit of glass out.” He orders.

“I'm fine I don’t need to hold anyone’s haaaa…” I wail and grab hold of Gaige’s hand tightly.

I burry my face in Gaige’s front and grit my teeth while the Doc rummages around, pulling out little bits of glass.

“There, that should do it. I've put in a couple of stitches. You’re all good. The stitches will dissolve.” Doc informs me.

I look up. I basically face planted Gaige’s stomach.

“Um, sorry about that.” I mumble to him and let go of the vice like grip I had on his hand.

I look down at my now bandaged hand.

“Thank you Doc, what’s the charge?” I ask.

“No charge. You can bake me something to say thank you when you get your place up and running.” He states.

“Oh that’s very kind of you. I'm learning that word travels fast around here.” I state.

The Doc laughs and Gaige grunts in agreement.

We say goodbye and Gaige takes my elbow again and walks me to his truck.

On the way back I bite my thumbnail nervously.

“Thanks for, um, holding my hand in there. I’m sorry for shoving my face in your stomach.” I apologise.