Page 139 of Tiers of Joy

“Do I need to be aware of any crazy side of you?” Gaige asks cautiously.

“Don’t worry, you’ve seen my crazy with the piping bags, remember?” I remind him.

“How could I forget.” Gaige laughs.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Throughout the rest of Christmas day and Boxing day we shared a lot of laughter and eating and they did a lot of drinking too. It’s time for Sally and Flynn to fly home and I’m gutted. They’ve only been with us a week but Sally has to get back to work and Flynn’s family are doing a new year celebration because he wasn’t with them for Christmas.

After a long drive to the airport we say our goodbyes. I can’t hold back the tears. Having my oldest and dearest friend with me after not seeing her for so long just made me realise how much I missed her.

“God I’m going to miss you so much.” I sniffle.

Sally smiles and wipes her tears.

“I’m going to miss you too but I will be back. I need to visit this little one and of course when you guys set a date I will be there for your wedding too. So don’t worry, you’ll be sick of the sight of me soon enough.” Sally says, trying to make me feel better.

“I suppose at least we can both get ridiculously drunk the next time we are together. There’s always that.” I shrug.

“Can’t wait for that.” Gaige mumbles under his breath.

We hug again and Sally and Flynn make their way to departures. Gaige pulls me into his arms and comforts me while I cry and wave off my best friend.

On the drive back Gaige holds my hand nearly the entire time, comforting me.

“Can you drop me at the dock for a minute? I want to tell Jay.” I ask.

Gaige kisses the back of my hand.

“Of course beautiful. Do you want me to come with you or shall I wait in the car?” He asks.

“I kinda want to be on my own for a moment. Is that okay?” I ask.

Gaige smiles and shakes his head as he pulls up by the docks.

“Go. I will wait here. Please be careful out there.”

I smile and kiss him.

I walk steadily along the dock, being extra careful not to slip on ice or fall into the sea like I did last time. I find my bench and take a seat.

“Hi Jay. As you can see I’m close to popping. I weigh about the same as a whale at the moment, but yet have a bladder the size of a walnut apparently. I spoke to your Dad on Christmas. He’s doing well. I rang him because Gaige asked me to marry him and I said yes. I want your Dad to give me away, it’ll be sort of like having you there I suppose. I wanted to tell you and let you know that Gaige is a really good guy. When your Dad flies over here I will bring him here so he can see how beautiful it is. I will come back soon, take care. I love you forever and always.” I whisper the last part and stand to go back to the car.

Gaige is standing behind me, watching me.

“I came to help you walk back up to the truck. I don’t want you falling and hurting yourself or the baby.” He states.

“Thank you. Umm, you know I love you right? Just because I say that to Jay that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” I say, worried that he will get upset by what I said to Jay.

Gaige stops and turns to me, the freezing, bitter wind bites at my cheeks.

“Esme, I know you will always love Jay. I’m not stupid in thinking just because I love you or that you love me that your love for him will die. I am not worried or jealous of Jay, I have your love now, I know that.” Gaige states, kissing me softly.

I smile up at him and shiver.

“Come on before we both end up getting frost bite.” Gaige states.

Over the next few days the snow continues to come thick and fast. It’s new years eve and The Sunken Ship is holding a party but Gaige and I have decided to stay in. I’m permanently exhausted and with the snow fall I just want to be curled up in the warm.