“Well it’s a pleasure as always to hear from you. I will speak to you soon. Take care of yourself and the baby. I look forward to hearing from you about the birth of your little one. Much love to you Esme.” Frank says with affection in his voice.
“And you Frank, take care.” I say before disconnecting
I wipe my eyes and take a deep breath. I stand up to head downstairs and jump when I see Gaige in the doorway, leaning with his hands in his pockets.
“Jay’s father?” He asks.
I give him a small smile and nod.
“I’m sorry. I know I should have spoken to you first about him giving me away but I just felt compelled to call him to ask him to do it.” I explain.
Gaige walks towards me and tucks my hair behind my ear.
“Esme, you don’t need to ask or even explain why you want Frank there to give you away. I understand completely and it’s your decision. Him and Sally are the only family you have, of course you want them there.” Gaige states.
I smile. When did I become so lucky in finding this amazing man?
“Now come on. Sally is pulling out the board games and I’m scared if she doesn’t win she will kill me in my sleep.” Gaige states, feigning fear.
“Oh she definitely would kill you! What game has she pulled out?” I ask as we walk downstairs.
“Monopoly.” Gaige answers.
“God help us all.” I mutter.
“Pay up sucker!” Sally gloats, holding out her hand.
“Seriously, how did you manage to own all of the expensive streets and then put bloody hotels on them? You have to be cheating.” Gaige complains, handing over his last bit of board game money.
My eyes go wide and I shake my head vigorously at him in warning. He has just crossed a line and Sally is likely to snap. I’ve seen her make a seven foot three-hundred pound man cry before. That was because he accused her of cheating at trivial pursuit.
“Gaige, you’re new to this, new to me. I will be as polite as I can. I never cheat, I am quiet simply the board game master. I am relentless and ruthless in taking out my opponents. I show no mercy. I have never been beaten and I don’t intend that to change. Call me a cheater again and I will grab your balls so tightly and twist them until your screams can be heard in the depths of hell. Capiche?” Sally warns.
“Did you just add an Italian mafia accent to the end of that threat?” I ask, fighting back my laughter.
“I did. I am one quarter Italian. Who knows what connections I may have!” Sally brags.
I snort my laughter and shake my head.
“Okay Al Capone of boardgames. You’ve made yourself very clear. I don’t want to sleep with the fishes.” Gaige mocks.
“I’m a kind person. I’m kind to everyone, but if you are unkind to me, then kindness is not what you’ll remember me for.” Sally threatens in a thick Italian mobster accent.
“Oh Christ I’m dying! Did you just quote Al Capone?” I burst out laughing.
“I’m just emphasising my point.” Sally huffs.
We are all laughing apart from Sally who is taking this all very seriously. I swear whoever invented the board game, well, someone needs to go back and eradicate them from history. They only ever bring misery to families. I’ve seen operation tear a family apart. Board games are no joke.
“Okay, who is up for a game of Pictionary?” Flynn asks.
“No!” I cry.
All eyes come to me. Well, all except for Sally’s.
“Pictionary must never be played. Sally took an oath to never touch the game again after the incident of 98.” I say solemnly.