Page 127 of Tiers of Joy

I walk to Gaige and he welcomes me into his arms. He strokes the hair from my face.

“I’m sorry she was such a bitch to you Esme.” He apologises.

“It wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. Listen are you sure about this? I mean, she is your mum after all, bitch or not.” I shrug.

Gaige smiles.

“You’d put up with her for me?” He asks.

“I’m not making any promises that I wouldn’t try and kill her, but I think I could refrain from actual murder.” I offer.

Gaige kisses me and smiles.

“No beautiful. I never had an actual mom in my life so I’m not going to miss her. She has always been selfish. It’s better cutting her off completely. I’m more than happy with my life being filled by you and our baby.” Gaige states before kissing me.

He drives off and I turn back around to go into the bakery. All of the customers are smiling. I shake my head and smile.

“Free cookies for all. Then you can all bugger off home!” I yell.

“Woohoo!” They all cheer.

Chapter Thirty-One

We never heard from Fiona after that day. As the weeks passed I thought maybe we might hear something, especially with Christmas just a matter of days away, but there was nothing.

I’ve been shopping like crazy for Christmas. I’m extra excited because Sally and her donkey dick boyfriend are coming over to spend Christmas with us.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous for Gaige to meet Sally, I mean, I barely have a filter but Sally’s is non-existent.

“IT’S CHRISTMAS!” I shout as I enter the house.

I smile, taking in the decorations: the beautiful wreath up the banister including fairy lights. I chose a huge seven foot Christmas tree for the living area and I got us all stockings to hang on the fireplace. It’s snowing so it’s going to be a perfect white Christmas. The only downside is that I’m pure weeble. I could roll like an armadillo if I could tuck in properly. Everything about me is huge: my arse, my breasts, and I reckon the baby must weigh like twenty pounds. There will be no drinking for me this Christmas. At least I can eat, and boy am I good at that at the moment.

I find Gaige in the kitchen eating a Christmas cookie. He freezes like a naughty child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

I laugh and walk over to him and kiss him. I do my best to try and perch on the stall but Gaige has to help lift me up after I struggle.

“So Gaige, there is something I want to ask you. Please don’t feel like you have to answer though.” I ask nibbling my thumb.

“Esme just ask me.” He states.

“Your mum was here for your money. I know you do okay because, well, you have this place. I just didn’t realise you had twenty grand in the bank to dispose of your mother. I’m not interested in having a penny of your money, I just, well, I’m intrigued because you don’t exactly go around flashing it.” I ask.

Gaige smiles.

“Esme what’s mine is yours. I mean that. You’re carrying my child. I had around two million in the bank the last time I checked.” He states.

I swear my jaw hits the floor.

“Hold up there a minute lumberjack. You’re hot, you have a magnificent dick and you certainly know what to do with it, and you’re a millionaire?!” I screech excitedly.

Gaige laughs. God I love watching him laugh. I swear if I weren’t pregnant I would be. His laughter alone enough to make me want to jump his bones. He is so bloody hot.

“Beautiful, it’s the money that was left to me by Tom along with the lumber yard and this house. I’ve never spent it because I’ve never had a need to. I have everything I need.” He says, cupping my face. He leans in and kisses me softly.

“God you really do have it all.” I sigh.

“Yeah, I really do.” He whispers across my lips, his deep chocolate eyes conveying the meaning of his words.