Page 123 of Tiers of Joy

I move to give her a piece of my mind when Gaige walks in.

I watch as Fiona picks up a cookie and takes a bite and smiles brightly at Gaige.

“She makes the best cakes and cookies mom.” He says, kissing the top of my head and reaching for a cupcake.

“Oh sweetie, she really does.” She beams falsely.

My jaw drops. Jesus Christ! Has this woman got split personality or is she an Oscar winning actress? I’m not sure what her game is but I know I’m going to be watching my back. I’ve got a feeling she will be ready to stab me in the back at any moment.

She acts all sickly sweet with Gaige all day. I don’t get a second alone with Gaige to tell him what she said. Although seeing him so happy having his mum in his life I don’t know if I should. She’s been absent for so long and I don’t want to ruin it for him.

It’s getting late and I feel exhausted. Gaige pulls me to him and I smile and snuggle into his side.

“Well, I best get to bed. Nothing like a good night’s sleep to keep you looking young and youthful.” She states. Again, that’s aimed at me.

What she can’t see is that I’m sticking my middle finger up at her that I have hidden in my sleeve. Take that you evil cow!

“Goodnight Fiona. Sleep well.” I smile.

Me and Gaige lock up and head upstairs to bed. He pulls me into his arms and places his hand on my bump. We fall asleep like that every night.

I awake the next morning to find Gaige’s side of the bed empty.

I frown and then I smell a waft of bacon coming up the stairs. I smile. She may be a bit of a bitch but if she’s going to wake up and make breakfast each morning, I can live with that.

I get up and take care of business. Then I walk down the stairs and see Gaige sitting there eating his breakfast. He smiles when he sees me.

“Morning beautiful.” He greets, pulling me in for a kiss.

“Hhmm bacon.” I say licking my lower lip.

Gaige smiles and playfully nips my lip.

“Ahem.” Fiona coughs.

We turn to her and she smiles tightly.

“Take a seat Esme, I’ve made you breakfast.” She states.

I sit down next to Gaige and she places down a bowl of fruit, seeds, nuts, and what look like natural yogurt.

“Err, Fiona, I’m happy with just some bacon and eggs.” I state.

“Well that’s healthier for you.” She points to the bowl.

Not bothering to argue with her I take a bite and scrunch up my nose in disgust.

“Sorry I slept in so late.” I apologise.

“Don’t apologise beautiful, you need your rest.” Gaige says, kissing me.

“Yes don’t apologise Esme, some of us need more beauty sleep than others.” She smiles sweetly.

I swear I feel my eye twitch. I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself chewing her out.

“Mom.” Gaige warns.

“Oh no I didn’t mean it to come out that way. I’m always mixing up my words.” She laughs it off.