The heat crept up my neck and flowed over my face at the mention of Ronnie. I’d been trying to avoid my growing feelings for him, but it was getting harder. I was still thinking about what he said when we were out in the city. His words about feeling jealous were still whizzing around in my head. The way I’d handled it was also taking up space in my brain. I should have been cooler and not started bumbling on like an idiot and pretending I needed to carry on shopping.
“I’m fine, Joey. Honestly.”
“As long as you know.” He nodded and walked away.
It was probably the longest conversation that I’d had with him. With any of them, apart from Ronnie. To think I had some other support gave me a feeling of comfort. It wasn’t just Brandon and Amelie I could rely on—if I ever got the guts to leave Jimmy.
My eyes went back to the stage and Jimmy was slurring his way through another song. He was sweating more than he should have been, obviously due to the alcohol, and he was distinctly unsteady on his feet. Brandon was talking to Hugo, who was leaning close to him while they continued playing. Both looked angry and kept throwing dirty looks in Jimmy’s direction. He was going to lose his place in the band if he wasn’t careful and that would be something he’d never cope with. Life would be miserable,moremiserable, and if I left him then it would only look like I was a money grabbing, unsupportive bitch.
At that moment, Jimmy stumbled, and the crowd made a noise which was a mixture between a gasp and a cheer. Instantly I looked at Hugo who threw his head back and looked like he cursed. He missed a note which made him even angrier, and he stormed across the stage to Jimmy, put his mouth to his ear and clearly berated him. Jimmy then actually laughed in Hugo’s face, and I groaned. If Hugo didn’t punch him in the nuts or the face then he was a lucky man.
Evidently, hewasa lucky man because Hugo stalked over to the other side of the stage and picked up the song again. He glanced over to me and when I mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ he shook his head. There was no doubt about it, Jimmy was a liability and was starting to alienate everyone, not just me.
I was considering getting a car back to the hotel and avoiding the inevitable row after their set, when I sensed someone coming up beside me. Instantly goosebumps broke out over my skin and my pulse quickened. I didn’t even need to look to know who it was.
“How’s their set going?”
The softness of his voice was like a caress, and it was the most welcome sound I’d heard in hours—since I’d last seen him.
Turning, I gave him a smile. “Yeah, fine. It’s going fine.”
He didn’t answer but took a step closer to the stage. “Hugo has got some talent.” Ronnie’s head nodded in time with the beat as he watched him carefully, craning forward when Hugo moved downstage.
“He does.”
“Hate to say it, love, but he’s the one who could become a star.” He looked at me. “Not J…any of the others, just Hugo.”
I heard it but was grateful he changed his words. I wasn’t in the mood for trying to be a cheerleader for Jimmy again.
“It’s a good crowd,” I offered, changing the subject. “They’ll go crazy when you go on.”
“They do look pretty lively.” He turned back to me and grinned. “Just how I like them.”
Like Joey, Ronnie was dressed ready for their set and, like Joey, he wore a t-shirt with the arms ripped out but when I saw the image on the front, I smiled.
“Big Britney fan?”
Ronnie looked down and rubbed his hands down his chest. “Toxic Britney is my favourite. What’s yours?”
“I know she’s a bit before my time, but I’m more of a Kylie fan myself.”
He frowned. “I do admire the Antipodean Pop Princess, but I can’t get past The Locomotion. It was a heinous crime towards music and my Auntie Mo used to play it all the bloody time.”
“A bit before my time, yet,” I said with a shrug of one shoulder, “I think it’s pretty catchy.”
“We really can’t be friends.” He shuddered and then turned to face me fully. “Did you get everything you needed when I left you shopping?”
“Yes,” I lied. “Yep, I did.”
I stumbled a little on my shoes and held out my arms. Ronnie grabbed them to steady me.
“Shit, are you okay?”
“Yes, fine thanks.” I pulled away from him. “These bloody shoes.”
Ronnie looked down at my feet and then back up to my face. He didn’t say anything but looked around. Nodding a hello to one of the sound technicians who was rushing past with a guitar, he then beckoned to me.