Page 35 of Stolen By Dragons

I wouldn’t let any wretched vampire lay a damn finger on her. Not on my life.

We paused at the end of the hall, watching quietly as the Dracarians stood their ground.

“We need food, you can’t keep having us sit at those damn tables at meal times with nothing on offer,” one vampire snarled. Another male one was holding him back, presumably after he’d rushed one of the Dracarians, while Ossian and the female, Valeria from what I’d heard, stood off to the side, watching quietly.

The Dracarians present were some of the ones who helped us with our training, using their magic for the obstacles. Elowen and Eirian were the main two leaders, while there were three others that sat with them at their table in the dining hall, although they didn’t seem to have as much of a hands-on nature as the other two. In saying that, Elowen was the main one, Eirianhaving only joined us twice in the past several days of endless training sessions.

“By tomorrow, we will have something for you, you just need to be patient, we have more pressing matters with this whole Void situation,” one of the Dracarians stated.

“Really? Considering you want us fighting this stupid fucking war of yours, you should be a little more giving and mindful!” the same vampire snapped.

“We need nourishment,” Ossian said as he stepped forward. “As you can see, our hunger is getting to some of us. We will take whatever you can provide, but please know we do need it.”

“Don’t need a bloodlusty vamp tearing apart your great soldiers, now do we?” Valeria added with a toothy grin. “Might make winning this big war hard.”

The Dracarian sighed as he nodded and glanced at his two fellow Dracarians.

“We will have something for you as soon as possible. We’re working on it, I will see to it myself that we speed things along. Thank you for your patience.”

“Right,” the original vampire scoffed, his companion finally releasing him. His other fellow vampire stood silently by him, as if he’d been waiting to see how this had played out.

From what I could gather, as much as they swarmed together, their group segmented from the rest of us earthlings, Ossian and Valeria were the most civil, their other three male companions sticking true to the cold and distasteful vampires we knew.

The vampire situation was just another obstacle to overcome.

I watched the Dracarians leave as our groups all dispersed, having come to the communal area to watch the commotion play out.

“Could’ve gotten messy,” Lydia mused quietly from where she leaned on the wall.

“Yeah,” I muttered as the vampires flitted back to their hall.

Save for Ossian and Valeria, who conversed quietly to the side and cast a glance towards Aria.

My wolf rumbled within me, and I pulled her closer to my side.

“You okay?” I asked, and she nodded.

“They’re probably just getting hungry. We get to eat every day, and they don’t.”

“You know you are their main diet, right?” I reminded her as Lydia turned to give her an equally disturbed look.

“Yes, but it’s not like they kill people,” Aria said quickly.

“They used to, it just got harder for them to get away with,” I scoffed.

“They’re just overgrown mosquitoes now really,” Zephyr said as he stared at the two remaining vampires.

“Who can still tear you limb from limb, they’ve got some crazy ass strength,” Lydia said pointedly.

“As do shifters,” Zephyr shot back.

“How strong are fae in comparison?” Aria questioned, shifting the conversation somewhat.

“Stronger than humans, but weaker than shifters and vampires, vampires have the most strength, with wolves coming in second,” Lydia shared.

“But fae have reflexes faster than most supes, and magic that we can use to protect ourselves,” Zephyr spoke up quickly to defend himself. “And we have our own plane of existence.”

“Wow, love this pissing contest,” Lydia said with a snort.