Whatever he was going to say was lost as he leaned in, closing the distance between us. Our lips met, and it was like the world fell away, sparks erupting in my mind and body. The kiss was soft, tentative at first, but quickly grew more intense as the fire burned through me. Chris's hand cupped my cheek, and I leaned into his touch, losing myself in the moment. I’d never felt anything like this, and I’d kissed a handful of guys since I’d first started dating in high school. This was something powerful, magical even, and it had my heart racing madly.
But then, as quickly as it had begun, it was over. Chris pulled back abruptly, his eyes wide with... was that fear? His expression, which had been so open and warm moments ago, suddenly closed off.
"I... I should go," he said, his voice distant and formal.
"Chris?" I asked, confusion and hurt swirling inside me. What the hell had just happened? Why had I felt all of that? And why was he suddenly so off? “What's wrong?"
But he was already standing up, avoiding my gaze. "I'm sorry, Aria. I shouldn't have... I need to go."
Before I could say anything else, he was gone, the door closing behind him with a soft click that seemed to echo in the sudden silence of my room as I stared after him.
I sat there on the balcony, stunned and hurt. What had just happened? Everything had been going so well, and then...
I pursed my lips, hating the hurt that washed over me.
Great, rejected by the one guy I was catching feelings for.
My mind raced, trying to understand Chris's sudden change in behavior. Had I done something wrong? Was he regretting getting close to me? Or was there something else going on, something he wasn't telling me? What had that sensation been?
As the questions swirled in my head, I found myself thinking of Ossian again. His desperate request, the hunger in his eyes… the questions I had, it all seemed to blend together with Chris's abrupt departure, creating a confusing mess of emotions that I couldn't begin to untangle.
I stood up, walking back into my room and closing the balcony doors. The view of Dracaria, which had seemed so beautiful earlier, now felt oppressive and foreign - unwelcoming. I was truly alone here, wasn't I? Despite the connections I'd thought I was forming, in the end, I was still an outsider. A human in a world of supernatural beings and ancient magic.
As the silence of my room settled around me, I found myself staring at the ceiling as I sunk onto the edge of my bed, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts. Chris's kiss then swift retreat, Ossian's earlier visit - it was messing with my mind.
Damn supernatural creatures and this whole new world.
I ran a hand through my hair. The day wasn't over yet, and the thought of facing everyone at dinner after everything that had happened made my stomach churn. How was I supposed to act around Chris now? And what about Ossian?
With a sigh, I stood up and walked to the glass balcony doors, looking out at the landscape of Dracaria. The sun was startingto dip lower in the sky, painting everything in shades of gold and purple. It was beautiful, in a strange, otherworldly way. If it wasn’t for the threat looming over me, I would’ve found it even more magical and amazing.
As I watched the shadows lengthen across the unfamiliar terrain, I couldn't help but wonder what dinner would bring. Would Chris avoid me? Would Ossian try to approach me again? How was I supposed to navigate these complicated people while also trying to adapt to this new reality?
"One step at a time, Aria," I muttered to myself, taking a deep breath. "Just take it one step at a time."
I turned away from the window, steeling myself for what was to come. Whatever happened at dinner, whatever challenges lay ahead, I had to face them head-on. We all did.
As I reached for the door handle, ready to head to the dining hall, I paused for a moment. Despite everything, despite the confusion and the fear and the overwhelming newness of it all, a small part of me was excited. Excited to learn more about this strange new world, excited to explore my newfound abilities, excited to see what I was truly capable of.
Even if it was to prepare me for a battle.
With that dreadful thought in mind, I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. Dinner awaited, and with it, no doubt, new complications. But I was ready. Whatever came next, I would face it.
After all, I was part of something extraordinary now. And I was determined to rise to the challenge.
I had no other option.
Icould’ve cut the tension between Aria and Chris throughout dinner with a knife, it was that rough. I'd watched them from across the table, noting how they barely made eye contact. Aria had made a point to sit on the other side of Lydia, who had tried to ease the awkwardness by chatting about the day's training session, but her efforts only highlighted the strained silence between the two.
Now, as we lounged in the communal area after the meal, I couldn't help but notice that Chris hadn't walked with Aria. It was clear the wolf had a soft spot for her - anyone with eyes could see that. But tonight, he was distinctly absent, having mumbled some excuse and disappeared as soon as we'd left the dining hall.
It was odd behavior, especially for a werewolf. They were typically such social creatures, always gravitating towards their chosen companions. This sudden distance was... intriguing. Not that it was any of my concern, ultimately. I had enough of my own problems without getting embroiled in werewolf drama.
Still, as I watched Aria sink into a nearby chair, her eyes distant and troubled, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy. Whatever had happened between them was clearly weighing on her.