The postponement lets me breathe easier, replying that it’s no problem.
A relief that’s short-lived considering it places me back in a car with Drake.
I get ready then walk downstairs, gasping at his injured face. The split eyebrow is crusted with black blood, the eyelid beneath purple and puffy. It adds a flair of danger, the dark shadows of bruises contouring his chiselled features to add a touch of menace, intensifying his attraction.
Or maybe that’s just me, revelling in how he got those injuries. How he ran to my defence, not caring for his own safety.
Before he reverted to the housemate from hell.
Arnold sends me a stern glance as I take a seat, making me flush with guilt before I even know the problem. “Seems like you two had quite the night.”
I clear my throat, watching my mother pour herself a coffee like she’s moving in slow motion.
Not knowing what to say, I settle for a nod of acknowledgement.
Drake takes the seat beside me, his cautious movements speaking volumes about the bruises that must hide underneath his shirt.
In a whisper, I ask, “Can I grab a lift from you today?”
I have my explanation ready, but he nods straight away. “That’s fine.”
His voice is subdued enough that I risk another glance… and frown. He looks absolutely miserable.
“Good news,” Arnold adds, following the trajectory of my gaze. “Blaine is coming to work in my office.”
“From Monday,” Drake corrects. “These will be my last two days at Ashcroft.”
“You can take over his car since he’ll be sharing mine from now on.” Arnold fixes him with a hard stare. “And his first few paycheques will go towards financing its repair.”
Drake’s hand lands on my knee, squeezing in warning while my mother attempts a smile. “Are you looking forward to working with your dad?”
“I’m sure it’ll be good for me.”
“Hopefully, some hard work will give you the structure to keep out of trouble, since paying a fortune to the best school did nothing.” Arnold’s lips stretch into a thin smile, eyes flashing with danger as his attention turns to me. “Let’s hopeyoureducation works better.”
My mouth is too dry to eat. My throat too narrow to swallow coffee.
Even with Mum telling me this was on the cards, it seems sudden. Andshepresented it like an opportunity whereas this…?
This feels like a punishment.
“Won’t insurance cover the damage? Since the vandal who did it—”
“Only if we report the matter to the police.” Arnold cocks an eyebrow, the faint hint of amusement so like Drake that my stomach knots. “Is that what you want to do?”
The fingers tighten on my leg again, giving me the answer.
“Never call the police if you can handle it yourself,” my mother answers, sparking into life. “That’s always been our mantra.”
Arnold’s expression softens as he takes her hand, pressing a kiss into her palm. “There you go, then. You’re not just a pretty face.”
My mother beams but it doesn’t sound like a compliment. Not to my ears.
“Grab your things or we’ll be late,” Drake whispers, giving my knee one last squeeze. “I’ll meet you outside.”