“Better than hiring hitmen or importing drugs.”
He snorts, checking his camera before he reverses onto the road, steering for home. “Wouldn’t put the latter past him. I have my suspicions that’s how he financed everything he did last year. This year, he’s reselling a few older weapons, and you don’twant to see who comes to your door when you advertise this stuff for sale.”
He takes me on a meandering drive to his house, cutting through side streets and pointing out sights of local interest while I study the side view of his cheerful face, wondering what it would feel like to sink my fingers into his springy curls.
A pleasant flutter hits me low in my stomach, then my eyes drop to his crotch for a split second before I turn away, mouth going dry.
Even before the incident with Drake, I wasn’t great with boysthat wayand I’m an absolute baby about anything past a kiss or a casual grope.
The idea of losing my virginity scrambles my brain cells until I can barely breathe. I tried to get past it once by using a cheap wand vibrator and ended up scaring myself even worse.
We’re nearly at Arnold’s house when Hudson gives me a nervous glance. “You want to come back to mine? You’re welcome to use our shower to clean off before you go home.”
I’m about to decline when he adds, “I know Blaine’s dad can be really anal about that stuff.”
“Yeah.” He frowns at my confusion. “Don’t you think?”
I’m about to say no, then realise the few days we’ve spent there probably aren’t the best way to judge his character. “I haven’t known him long enough to tell.”
What I do know is that Drake won’t give me a warm welcome when I get home, and that’s enough of a reason. “But thanks. That’ll be good.”
The hot water is a luxurious treat against the aches and pains I earned on the rugby pitch. If I weren’t in a virtual stranger’s house, I’d stay longer. Instead, I change quickly, eye on the door even though I’ve engaged the lock, breathing a sigh of relief when I’m decent again.
“Should I take these home to wash?” I ask, holding the shorts and t-shirt aloft. “I can drop them back tomorrow.”
“Nah. I’ll stick them in the chute.” He pushes past me to open a sliding door in the bathroom, shoving them inside and adding the towel I left hanging over the rail to dry.
Rich folk. I love them more every day.
He gives me a fleeting introduction to two of his brothers on the way out to his car. Then I stop, peering along the road. “If it’s okay, I’m fine to walk from here.”
Arnold’s house is hidden from view but just around the next corner.
“Ashamed of me, are you?”
“Yeah. My street cred drops with every second.” I kick my toes at the small patch of gravel. “I’m not sure how Drake is going to react when I get home.”
“Who’s that?”
I fumble for a moment, then remember he knows him by a different name. “Blaine. He went by Drake when I knew him before.”
“And you think he scares me?”
“There’s no use buying trouble where you don’t need it.” I pause and the silence grows awkward, my emotions too stunted to know how to respond appropriately. “Thanks for stopping to check on me,” I say just to saysomething.“I had a great time at the game.”
His broad smile reappears, bringing a sunny calm to his demeanour and I can’t help but relax.
“That’s because you had the star player on your team,” he teases. “Next time, you’re getting roped onto my side and we’ll see how you enjoy losing.”
My feet turn homeward, then Hudson clears his throat, and I twist back.
“Are you doing anything this weekend?” The words spill out so fast, he sounds nervous. An insight that calms me even more. “I wondered if you wanted to catch a movie?”
“Yeah?” I stare at my feet, shuffling while my unwanted shyness strikes again, making me tongue-tied.
“If you don’t want to, that’s okay.”