“This cock has only ever belonged to you.” I suck her lower lip into my mouth, teeth grazing as I slowly release it back to her. “Always and forever.”
I can’t think of how to tell her that the thought of trying with another girl had always deflated me until I preferred my imagination and my hand. Even when I hated her, I couldn’t bear to replace her with anyone else.
Maybe one day I’ll detail the frustration of nobody ever measuring up to her. Not even in my imagination. Tell her about the long nights wishing I could fall for someone else, feel the same stirrings of desire for literallyanyone.
Of wishing that… yet being simultaneously grateful there wasn’t.
For now, the cliff notes version is enough.
“You’re my girl, aren’t you?” Her enormous eyes blink, staring at me with a small frown creasing her brow until she gives a tentative nod. “Why would I settle for someone else when we were made for each other?”
My thumb rubs along her windpipe, feeling the depths of her swallow before my teeth close either side, sucking and grazing and nipping at her skin until the pulse in my cock throbs like it’s close
“I need you, Cadence.” My fingers plunge into her hair, the silky-smooth strands tousled by the wind, smelling of smoke. “Let me take care of you. I want the first cock you take to be mine.”
The raw edgeto Drake’s voice melts away my resistance. A half-formed plan to make him pay for leaving me bound and unsatisfied falls away before the ache of longing in his voice.
He needs me.
The words work a magical alchemy, clearing away my fears until my body is as eager for his touch as he sounds for mine. Each place he touches sets a new fire burning; electric sparks rippling across my skin.
Seated across his lap, I’m nearly as tall as he is; I can look straight into the depths of his silver eyes, examine the handsome planes of his face, resting where the bruises he suffered coming to my defence at the game have painted him with dark smudges of brown and purple.
A wriggle of excitement strikes low in my abdomen as his cock pulses against my palm. I rock forward, fumbling with the buttons and zippers until he springs free, my pussy rubbing against the throbbing length of him.
“Fucking hell,” he says, a low groan making me shiver with anticipation and the thrill of power.
Then he grabs me tight, exiting the car only to open the rear door and lay me in the back seat. He reverses our previous positions, him now straddling me. With rough motions, he unties my dress, peeling the fabric from my body. He tugs down my underwear and slides off my heels, leaving every inch of my body bare.
He moves me as easily as rearranging a poseable doll and the illusion of control fades.
We’re in public. Anyone could pull into the lookout, park beside us, see exactly what we’re up to. Instead of bringing embarrassment, the thought brings excitement.
And I’m happy to give myself over to him. Especially when he teases along the lips of my pussy with the head of his cock, the smooth heat of him making me eager to take him inside.
“Please,” I murmur, then a breath catches in my throat as he spreads me, notching at my entrance. He feels impossibly large, and I grip his neck like a lifeline as I stretch to take his girth.
Hesitation grips me until I lie still, acclimating to the sensation. When Drake kisses me, I lose myself, ears buzzing when he greedily licks his lips, palming my tits until my brain is overwhelmed by pleasure and he pushes further inside me, making me take more.
“Fuck. You feel so good with your tight cunt wrapped around me.” His hips tilt as the praise massages my brain and his cock surges deeper inside me.
I tense, everything becoming too much.
“Relax,” he urges, soothing me with long strokes of my body, guiding me with a handful of my arse in each hand. “You’re taking me so well.”
But my hands push against his shoulders, trying to force him to withdraw, to pause, to backtrack until I can breathe again. Until my brain doesn’t feel like it’s melting.
“Shh,” he urges, evading my attempts. “Let yourself do this; I know you can.”
And he slides further inside, his cock feeling so enormous I’m scared to glance down in case I see it pushing against my belly from the inside, jammed full until it must be rearranging my vital organs to fit.
Then he stops, brushing the hair from my eyes, holding me steady for his kiss while my body throbs and pulses around him.
“Hold on tight,” he murmurs into my ear and draws back, then surges forward, repeating the motion, growing quicker as he lifts his chest to stare down at where we’re joined. The satisfaction is close to awe on his face, flooding me with a new rush of desire until I wrap my legs tightly around his waist, threading my fingers through his hair.