Page 82 of Fire Fight

“Put a finger on her and I’ll snap it off and force feed it back to you.” The hand crushing his windpipe releases enough for the twin to suck in a breath, then cough it out, unable to speak. “Did you understand the message, or should I add a little physical reminder?”

Viliami chokes out, “I got it.”

Drake releases him and he stumbles in his brother’s direction. Salesi doesn’t raise a finger to help.

My eyes skate over Gretchen’s table and I duck my head to avoid her furious gaze.

“Ignore her. If she doesn’t like me looking out for family, who gives a fuck what she thinks.” With that, he slings himself into the seat opposite, his legs brushing against mine. “Although, check with the office about changing your locker combination.”

“Because she might gift me a lighter?”

He’d been glancing around the room, assessing reactions, but jerks his attention back to me, head tilted as his eyes linger, reading my features.

A smirk blossoms and once again I curse my face for not being able to keep my admiration secret.

Here I am, trying to scold him, and it’s happily broadcasting how much I enjoy him manhandling any boy who comes too close.

Between his protection and his possessiveness, just sitting opposite creates a heat low in my belly, making the hard chairs of the cafeteria even less comfortable than normal.

I check on Viliami. He rubs his throat and crosses his eyes when he sees me looking. A gesture that must mean he’s okay.

“If Gretchen gives you any trouble, let me know and I’ll sort it.”

I nod, the rumbling threats from last night falling away when confronted with this improved version of Drake.

And those threats sound more like temptations. Especially since he’s the only person in this school who’s been honest.

Even if I didn’t like what he had to say.

Even if he was a gigantic arse while saying it.

“At least we’ve got our weekend back to ourselves again. I think she’d kill me if I attended her party.”

When I glance over, expecting agreement, there’s a distant look in his eyes. “I’m going and since you made such a big scene of it with Arnold, he’ll expect you to go, too.”

“You’re not serious?”

He shrugs. “I’ve got to say goodbye, anyway. Leave everyone with the right impression. What better venue than a party?”

Like everything else about Drake, the explanation confuses me, but I won’t lie to myself any longer. I enjoy the way he throws me off balance.

For the rest of our break, his glowering presence is reassuring.

When he next glances up, I give him a shy smile, and he returns it, briefly touching the back of my hand as the bell signals the end of our break.



I giveCadence’s hand another surreptitious pat before heading along the adjacent corridor to my locker, surprised by how much we’ve altered in just a few weeks.

Except it’s not really changed so much as changed back. This is closer to how we were as kids, enjoying each other’s company before the pressure to separate by gender increased and we drifted apart.

Before she gave Mum the drugs to kill herself.

The sharp slap of that thought resets my mood and I’m instantly irritable, snapping at the boy next to me as I enter the common room for my free period.

The low drag of grief threatens to overwhelm me.