Page 58 of Fire Fight

A finger pushes against my lips, eagerly pressing into my mouth while our reflected gazes meet.

And the girl in the mirror is a tramp.

She deserves the insults Drake has pegged at her, the wanton slut. The whore. The skank. She greedily sucks the juice of his fingers like it’s a treat, making the resident prude inside me shudder.

“Aren’t you sweet?” he asks and the girl in the mirror nods, feeling a flutter of pride as that gorgeous, recklessly menacing man breaks into a smile. “You taste a hundred times better awake than asleep.”

My brain stutters to a halt, pulse accelerating until the room brightens, the edge of my vision razor sharp.


The dream!!!

A slow throb builds in my core, still tender from his touch. Arousal building as my mind teases out the meaning from his words.

What the fuck iswrongwith you?

A familiar smirk thins Drake’s lips as I push him away. Running out the door when what I really need is to run away from myself and my twisted desires.

I escape into the main foyer and collide with Hudson.

“There you are.” He slings an arm around my waist, falling into step beside me. “You were gone so long, I had to come looking.”

His eyes scan my face, and I imagine what he sees, my lipstick messed by Drake’s hand, my cheeks flushed like I’m running a fever.

It’s lucky he can’t see inside my brain where I’m still processing what just happened between us. Worried that he’s done far more when I was asleep than write a message on my chest.

He’s touched me.Intimately.

And it’s luckiest of all Hudson doesn’t know part of my brain must be wired for abuse because it finds the ideaexhilarating.

He slows his step, squinting harder at my face and I drop my eyes to the floor, hiding as he squeezes my waist. “Are you okay?”

“Everything’s fine.”

But I come to a complete stop, unable to walk back into the darkness of the theatre.

“This movie isn’t doing much for me,” Hudson says. “Would you like to go for a drink instead?”


My tone is so enthusiastic, he laughs.

I should feel guilty, but what happened in the bathroom is too surreal to believe. It can’t be true. And even if it did happen, it wasn’t my choice.

I let the guilt float away. If it finds Drake, he can have it.

We walk downstairs, my heels clicking on the concrete as we cross from the mall to the connected garage, choosing the steps instead of waiting for the elevator.

When we reach the third storey landing—two to go—I’m alarmed to see Drake and Stacey exit the lift, him striding out just in front of her, eyes digging into mine as he searches for an answer I don’t want to give him.

“We’re just heading off,” Hudson says, angling our bodies so he’s slightly in front of me. “But it was nice seeing you.”

Drake doesn’t break his gaze, ignoring the obvious lie. “We’ll walk you to your car,” he mumbles, putting his arm around Stacey and igniting a wave of irritation so large it takes my breath away. “We’re heading off, too.”

Hudson continues to position himself between us, his curious glance telling me he’ll have questions once we’re alone. “Let me guess,” he drawls as we reach our level. “You’re parked in the spot next to ours?”

“Oh, no,” Stacey says. “We’re on the rooftop.” Her eyes shift to Drake, looking uncertain. “You want to catch the lift again, babe?”