I can work with that.
“Could I grab your number? It’d be good to catch up properly.”
“Sure.” She tilts her head. “You don’t mind?”
“Your reputation?” Even back at high school, the rumour mill insisted she was a sex worker. When she nods, my grin broadens. “Considering what some of my friends get up to, it’s no problem.”
Given the response from my table, it might even be an asset.
When I take my seat again, Cadence grips hold of a knife, and I decide playing with her isn’t worth the risk. Not with my hand already throbbing.
“Another friend of yours?” Arnold asks and I nod.
“Yeah. I haven’t seen her in a couple of years, but we used to hang around together.”
“She’s very pretty,” Raelene says, glancing over her shoulder to double-check.
When the waiter arrives with our food, Cadence looks grateful for the distraction. It feels like a victory as her gaze slowly creeps back to watch Stacey wait on her tables.
Sitting so close, there’s no mistaking the flash of envy this time and I won’t lie.
It feels bloody good.
On Monday lunchtime,Gretchen bubbles with excitement when I join her in the cafeteria.
Hudson is skipping a few classes to watch his youngest brother compete in a primary school sports day. An arrangement that means I’m allowed back at the main table.
“I’m having the party,” she exclaims, grabbing my hand to pull me into the seat next to her. “Saturday after next.”
Rox twirls a strand of hair around her forefinger. “I’m in charge of catering if you want to help.”
“Ignore her,” Felicity says with a sharklike grin. “She’s just trying to offload her responsibilities onto a minion because she loves ordering people about.” Then she bumps my shoulder. “But if you’d like to help organise a DJ…”
“Cadence already has a job,” Gretchen says with a flap of her hand.
“I do?”
“You’re in charge of inviting you-know-who to the party and ensuring he actually attends, come hell or high water.”
“Mm-hm,” is my noncommittal answer. If I ask him, it’ll probably ensure he stays away, but hopefully I can find a way that works. “I’ll do my best.”
Gretchen’s jaw tenses at the answer. “Since it’s your only job on the planning committee, that’s the least I expect.”
Planning committee? I bite down on a laugh.
At our last school, a party comprised a teen announcing their parents would be away, and everyone turning up en masse at whatever time they felt like, bringing along booze or chemicals if they wanted to get trashed.
It’s so far from what I’m used to, I check, “Is there a dress code?”
“Sexy as fuck,” Rox says with a giggle. “That’s always the order of the day.”
“Not every party has to be about hookups,” Felicity complains. “Some of us just like to relax.”
“You will absolutely not relax at my party.” Gretchen gives an indignant snort. “Along with any other roles, all of you are ambassadors to make sure people have the best time.” Her fingers rake through her short hair. “Since I’m the one sticking my neck out, I need it to be phenomenal.”