Page 135 of Fire Fight


The pleasure reachesdown into the deepest refuge of sleep, tugging me towards the light, dangling the temptation of more, of better, as I slowly ascend the layers of consciousness.

It’s always like this. The hit of pure release as my body responds to his attentions without the baggage of thought. A call and response that burrows through any reservations, bestowing me with the gift of untold pleasures that slowly, slooooooowly, tug me awake.

“Fuck, your pussy’s so tight,” Drake moans in my ear, unleashing a ripple of heat that spreads until I hum from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. “I love it when you’re gripping my cock like you’re scared it might up and leave.”

He chuckles and I bow down a few layers, chased by the reverberations in his chest. My dream spins around the feel of him plunging inside me, arranging my body to suit his needs, my legs over his shoulders when I surface again, arms splayed above my head. Tits bouncing with every thrust while he kneels, staring at the show as his cock thrusts deep inside me.

The heat grows more intense, tightening my belly with a promise, while my hips rise and fall to meet each motion as he slams into me.

Then his full weight is on me, crushing my breasts against his hard pecs, his fingers plunging into my hair, cupping my head, then ruthlessly tugging it back to expose my neck while his mouth sucks and bites and licks the sheen of sweat off my skin, his other hand caressing my pussy, thumb knuckle circling my clit until I come with a long cry.

As I rise into full consciousness, I want to exclaim, voice my appreciation, but I’m panting too hard, the pleasure washing away only for the tide to turn, bringing the heat, the tension, the friction back until the waves again crash on the shore.

My hands are sleepily useless at first, not even sure which way is up as I grab for him, needing to hold on to his reality, dig my fingertips into his tight arse, feeling his muscles contract and expand until they harden like rocks as he reaches the pinnacle of his pleasure.

When he falls to the side, he rolls me with him, gently manoeuvring my limbs until they’re relaxing softly on the sheets.

Drake presses a kiss on my abdomen where I wrote his name.

The frosty night air penetrates enough to make me shiver, and he drags up the duvet, circling me with his arms to warm me while my brain sighs with contentment and drifts back to sleep.

“You should letme get it tattooed,” I say the next morning, spooning in Drake’s arms while my brain resolutely refuses to start the day. “Can you imagine how many pens it would save?”

He gives a warning growl, and I giggle, combing through the hairs on his chest with my fingers, then snuggling closer.

A tattoo had been the original plan, and he’d happily sat next to me while the artist permanently marked his initials on the inside of my lower lip.

He also sat, far less happily, while the tattooist inked his name around my nipple.

When the man asked if I was okay to go ahead with the third design, Drake baulked, dragging me out of there with dark mutterings about men and their tattoo guns and where they could stick them.

A dark curse that he expanded to all womankind when I suggested perhaps a female artist would be better suited.

“You’re going to be late,” he murmurs against my neck, grazing his teeth against the tender skin there, practically guaranteeing I’ll be a no-show altogether as my thighs clench, pushing back against him while his cock swells with interest.

“There’ll be another intake next semester.”

“You’re going to join the one today, young lady. Do I make myself clear?”

I reach behind me, working my hardest to change his mind but he lifts me in his arms, leaving me in danger of being dumped on the floor as I reluctantly concede the day is important, and I should probably move.

Drake and I never returned to school after our terrifying ordeal. He started an apprenticeship with a security firm, hoping to gather his mates into a collective to test out potential breaches for corporate agencies.

I have doubts they’ll remember it’s fortestingand not for individual gain, but it really doesn’t matter.

One of the great discoveries about wealth is the ability to change your mind without fearing repercussions. There’s always another option in the wings, waiting.

Personally, I hope it goes well but bores him out of his mind, then he can go to university where I believe he belongs.

The unpaid role he’s recently taken is far more interesting, acting as an older brother to a nine-year-old boy. He takes him two weeknights and one full day each weekend, lessening the pressure on his single mother.

Not only keeping him company, and letting him try out new activities, but mentoring the boy so he’s aware there are more options in life than those he’s been exposed to up till now.

It probably helps that he chose the boy with a black mark for arson on his record. Just a bin fire at this stage… and hopefully that’s where it ends.

I lazed in bed so long my shower is more of a dunking, then I’m scrambling to do my hair and makeup and get dressed before running downstairs to grab a coffee, my mother helpfully having a cup already poured in anticipation.