Page 111 of Fire Fight

“It’s fine. I’ll take it now,” I say, breaking into their murmured discussion, impatient to be done with my fitting room while there’s still ample hope of finding Cadence in hers.

“But we still have to—”

“Doesn’t matter. It’ll do the job as is.” I spin to check the vent in back, the only concern I had, and smile with satisfaction that it’s now lying flat as it should. “In fact, I’ll wear this out of the store if you don’t mind. Can I grab a bag for the clothes I wore here?”

With the transaction finished and my name signed to the agreement, I drop my bag off at the car, then hurry to the store where I left Cadence.

When I enter the almost-empty shop, she’s nowhere to be seen.

I check my phone for a message, then hear her laughter emerging from a back room. She erupts into the main shop, twisting and turning before the mirrors in yet another new dress while the saleslady looks on with impatience.

While they’re involved in conversation, both her and the sales assistant frowning at her reflection when she looks glorious, I take advantage and sneak into the changing room hallway, sticking close to the wall to avoid the cameras.

It’s easy to identify her cubicle from the clothing hanging there and I slip inside, pulling the curtain just enough to hide me, sinking onto the provided chair.

My phone buzzes, and I switch it to silent, checking the message to see Cadence’s latest risqué photo.

She steps inside the booth, frowning, then jumps when she turns to pull the curtain.

I haul her onto my lap, hand over her mouth. “Shh. You know you’re not meant to drag strange men in here with you.”

Her eyes flash with a dozen things she can’t risk saying aloud, settling for, “You can’t be in here.”

“That’s what I just said.”

She wrinkles her nose as she stands, holding the hangers for another two dresses and an assortment of lacy undergarments inher hand. An accusing gaze lands on me, and I take them from her, guessing she wants to lie them on the chair.

“Another winner,” I declare, as she runs her hands over the outfit she’s wearing. I stand, bending so my chin rests on her shoulder, wrapping my arms around her waist while we stare in the changing room mirror. “But you can’t change now. I’ve had the menswear shop match my accessories to the gold dress.”

“This is a spare.”


Her voice drops to a whisper. “In case Arnold never sends me shopping again.”

A fortnight ago, her statement would have landed me on a spectrum from indignant to outraged, branding her as a gold digger.

Now, I chuckle, nuzzling into the crook of her neck to plant a kiss. “In that case, I approve. Which one are you trying on next?”

“I’m not going to change with you watching me.”

“Sure, you are.”

Despite her protest, Cadence immediately rises to the challenge, extracting herself from the dress with a few wriggles, sliding her hands up and over her breasts, popping out her arse and swaying her hips as she slowly lowers the satiny fabric to the floor.

I shift on the seat, having to spread my legs wide to accommodate the immediate reaction.

My pants feel uncomfortably tight as she bends from the waist to gather up the dress, neatly slotting it back onto the hanger before turning, hand out for the fancy lingerie.

“Try this red one,” I murmur, draping it across my forearm. The material is transparent, made opaque with added layers over her torso, shimmering as it clings to her curves, giving a delicious mix of visible and hidden as Cadence twirls before the mirror, her eyes raising to meet mine in the reflection.

Her lips are parted and my focus narrows to the sweep of her tongue, the quick flash of her white teeth before she leans forward, adjusting the complicated straps and ties.

“Let me,” I offer, catching her hand and spinning her close. The lacing is delicate work for my brutish fingers, but I manage. And I have no problem taking my time, considering the reaction.

I brush against her stiff nipples more times than I can count. Each time it elicits a tiny indrawn breath—a sound that makes my head swim, probably because all the blood in my body is relocating to my cock.

“Do you like it?”