Page 109 of Fire Fight

“And… sent.” Gretchen tucks the phone away with a smirk. “Have fun explaining your involvement to the principal. Especially when he finds out a local news organisation has a tipoff. I’m sure he’ll be impressed you dragged his school through the muck.”

Hudson snorts. “You wouldn’t.”

“It’s already done, dipshit.” She turns away, then just as quickly turns back. “Thank Ben for me. I know he only does it for the money, but he really went above and beyond on this one.”

Her penetrating gaze sweeps across the boys, all looking less sure of themselves with each passing second.

I put my hand on her forearm. “Thank you.”

The ice in her stare cuts like glass. “I didn’t do it for you.” She gives a sniff. “The losers here need to learn who actually runs this school.” Her volume rises. “And it sure as fuck isn’t the bunch of incel virgins placing bets on an unsecure noticeboard.”

She sticks her haughty nose in the air.

“Until I say otherwise, I’m the queen.”

With that, Gretchen sweeps along the hallway, heading for homeroom, and I feel a strange urge to applaud.

That or buy her a tiara to complete the look.

Before any of us regroup, the overhead speaker crackles. “Hudson Carter. Make your way to the principal’s office, immediately.”



After the early morning confrontation,school settles into its usual routine.

On Wednesday, a day before the hastily planned engagement party, Arnold springs the surprise that he’s booked an appointment at a fancy shopping centre; the price tags ensuring it would never be called anything as low brow as amall.

My car is still in the shop, and I let Cadence drive Emily’s vehicle, leaving me to find a comfortable sitting position in the passenger seat. My back is healing quicker than the bruised ribs and face from the night of the game, but is still easily aggravated.

Even with the extra week allotted before starting work, my face still shows enough damage to draw attention. I’m hopeful if my father’s good mood continues, I can wrangle another month at Ashcroft, sticking tight to Cadence’s side.

“You know it’s just as dangerous to drive too slow as too fast.”

“Really? I must have missed that public safety ad.”

She drives straight past a free parking space next to a row of bollards, opting for one farther along the row.

“The exercise will do us good,” I tease. We’re now two blocks down from our target stores.

Cadence wrinkles her nose, and I drape my arm around her shoulders, pulling her close enough for a kiss. The old tension that existed between us has dissipated but a new tension is in its place. A frisson that makes my chest hurt and my balls ache.

Even now, the arm hugging her has goosebumps, the hairs standing on end.

Once we arrive at the main store, I’m directed to a location at the other end of the row of shops, the menswear hidden far in back.

I’ve only just entered when my phone buzzes.


How are we meant to coordinate outfits when I can’t see you?


Send me pics and I’ll sort it

The salesman hurries over and asks me a raft of questions, then goes into the back, pulling potential matches based on my incomplete answers.