Page 107 of Fire Fight

This doesn’t matter.

For a second, I think the voice comes from inside my head, then feel the puff of Drake’s breath against my cheek.

“By next week, they’ll be back to ignoring you again.” He swaps out his hand to the non-compacted one, and puts it around my shoulders instead, the weight reassuring. “Or they’ll swarm to your table every time you try to eat alone,” he adds with a wry grin.

He’s calmer than I ever remember him being.

And confident.

I lean closer, trying to absorb the qualities I need through osmosis. “That vanlife seems pretty attractive right now.”

“Just tell me when, babe.”

My feet abruptly stop. “Don’t call me that. It’s what you used with Stacey.”

“Stacey is a babe. So are you.”

“Either give me a proper pet name or don’t bother.”

“Chill, sis.” He removes his hand long enough to spank my arse cheek. “Don’t draw attention.”

And it’s not something I need to do. Not with half the gazes in the corridor swinging my way.

But I’ve had boys staring at me from day one. I’d much rather be on this side of the truth even if it hurt like hell to get here. If they’re such losers they have to look at stolen images of a girl who didn’t know she was being filmed to get off, they don’t rate my consideration.

If only my anxiety would get on board, I’d be laughing.

When we turn the corner, Gretchen leans against her locker, joking with Rox. I take a deep breath, lengthening my stride to mimic Drake’s confidence. “Hey.”

She cocks an eyebrow, eyes sweeping over both of us. A dismissive sneer shows she arrives at the right conclusion. Either that or the grapevine fed her more information after we left on Saturday night.

I try for a conciliatory tone. “Sorry about your party.”

“Don’t talk to me,brotherfucker.”

When I reach for my locker, she sniffs, jutting her chin.

“Anyone would think you’re an attention whore the way you’re parading about… or just a whore.” She aims a haughty stare at Drake, eyes issuing a challenge. “Like her mother. Isn’t that what you told me?”

Even though I know we’ve come a long way since he must have made those cutting comments, my throat still pulls tight at the insult.

Drake surges past me, backing her against the lockers at the flippant remark.

“Keep her mother’s name out of your mouth,” he snarls. “Life didn’t work out the way you wanted for once, Gretchen. Do what the rest of us have to; suck it up and move on.”

Her face reddens as she shuffles to the side. “You’ve got a nerve. Talking all that shit about your dead mother and how no one understands you.” Her lip curls. “I should’ve known better than to associate with low-class trash.”

She flounces away, gathering her girl army as she goes. A few new members spot an opportunity and make a beeline towards her.

“Nice friend you have,” Drake says, staring after her.

“Me?I seem to recall you were friends with her last.” I hold up my hands. “Bags not it.”

“If it isn’t our resident firebug.”

We both turn at Hudson’s mocking tone, and I see Gretchen pause at the corner, looking back at us with interest.

“You should watch what you say.” I move until I’m only a foot away, eyes raking across his face, wondering what I ever saw in him.