Page 26 of Dirty Tricks

She nods, gesturing for me to go, and I break into a run, sprinting for my vehicle. Right at the last moment I turn, needing one more sight of her to take into the dangers of the night. As I stare at her, at her kind eyes, her smiling face, feeling the depths of our connection, I’m hit with a sense of doom.

A strong note of foreboding that can only be tied to my mother’s panicked phone call because there’s nothing here, nothing at this school sanctioned party, that could hurt Lexa.

I wave, ignoring the fear that claws at my brain.

I wave and force myself to turn away from her, to leave.



Emotions warinside me as I walk through the jostling crowd. Happiness that I made a deep connection with Xander. Fear for tomorrow, for what returning to my father’s house might hold in store for me.

Concern that Xander doesn’t know what he’s getting into. That as quickly as he appeared in my life, he’ll leave.

A shiver tries to take hold, then I feel his phantom arms around me and hug myself, trapping the sensation while I push my way through the revellers to land next to Vonnie. Her large witch’s hat is easy to spot even in the crowded party.

“There you are,” she exclaims, looking merrier than I’ve ever seen her.

Her nose is bright red while her eye makeup is in streaks across her face, black swatches that state categorically she’s having an awesome time. “Now where’s Jenna got to? I swear, it’s impossible to keep track of both of you.”

“Look for the halo.” I snag an empty chair and clamber aboard, scanning the crowds for her distinctive white hair. “Over by the door,” I say, clapping and waving; not that she sees me from this distance.

There’s some kind of altercation going on near her, the bouncer shoving someone away from the entrance.

“Come on.” I grab Vonnie’s arm and drag her in the right direction, grateful when she takes over and leads since her six-inch height advantage works far better to part the crowds.

“Angel,” Vonnie croons the moment we’re within hearing distance. “You’re my sweet angel.”

I know she’s trying to recreate a song but between the aggregate noise of the venue and her pitchiness, have no idea which one. Still, the effort has me in hysterics. The residual joy from my encounter with Xander turning into a generalised glee.

“There you are,” Jenna declares, grabbing my arm and tugging me until I’m right in front of the doorman. “Now tell this guy that your boyfriend is allowed inside.”

I stare at the masked figure lurking behind the bouncer. For a split second I think it’s Xander, already finished with his mission.

Then my eyes pick out his slimmer build. Note the impatient tilt of his head.

Ice runs through my veins. “Finn?”

“Where the hell have you been?” he demands. Then, in a whining tone, “You should have checked in my room when I didn’t make the bus.”

“You sent a text,” I say, but he shakes his head, not listening.

“I passed out for no reason. I could havedied.” He lifts the mask, face twisted in disgust. “I spent an hour at the clinic waiting for the all-clear while my so-called girlfriend was here, partying.”

I clutch at my necklace, hand curled loosely into a fist, head bowing.

“Wait,” Finn says, taking a closer look at me. “What the fuck are you wearing? Where’s the bunny costume?”

“Take it away from the door,” the bouncer interjects, hustling us to the side so a couple of flying pigs can flash their student IDs, oinking their way inside the marquee. “And no entrance without your card. Those are the rules.”

“Then bend the fucking rules,” Finn explodes, shoving a wad of cash at the man. “Here. Take that as your identification.”

But the man ignores him.

“Can you go back to the school and get your card?” I glance around the parking lot, wondering how he got here since I can’t see his car. “It’ll only take half an hour.”

“It’s not there. Someone stole it.” He puts his hands on his hips, glaring around him with an increasingly heated glare. “This fucking party sucks, anyway. Wanna try a real party?”