I’m just an add on she comes to when she needs more and a surge of possessiveness bursts like a flash, whiting out my head until my control vanishes.
I let go of the toy, letting it bob to the surface, plunging my fingers inside her instead, curling them so hard as I draw them out again that she flinches.
Too hard. Or is it just that somebody else is using her more than me?
As her head rests against the edge of the tub, it exposes the white expanse of her shoulder, a clean slate for me to mark withmymessage,mysign of ownership. My teeth sink into her flesh, gouging her skin, tasting the soapiness where I cleaned her while the rest of me sits back, watching in horror.
This is the exact situation I’ve always explicitly avoided. Now, instead of managing my emotions, keeping my distance, I’ve tumbled headfirst into an actual relationship.
Worse, our interactions are clearly training her for use by another man.
“Stop,” she says with a tiny snort, twisting away from the punishment of my teeth. A mark I shouldn’t be making and not only because she’s not mine but because this isn’t what she needs from me.
She needs someone to soothe her, stroke her, calm her.
Last month, she needed me to dominate her, to show her she wasn’t malfunctioning. Today, she’s fragile. She requires careful handling.
Harrison has left her in such desperate need of aftercare, every inch of her begs to be treated with kid gloves, with the gentle tenderness she deserves while she floats back to equilibrium.
Once I’ve taken care of her, she’ll understand that’s what she needs. She can take that information back to him, use it to forge a more balanced relationship.
It’s time for me to step back. Retreat.
Instead, I continue marking her, starting a territorial war of ownership with my son.
Brooke whimpers and I relax my jaw, releasing her and snapping my teeth to shake out the glorious sensation of biting into her flesh. “You’re so fucking perfect for me,” I say when I should tell her to go back to her teenage boyfriend, even if he’s a selfish fucking jerk. “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”
Her thighs clench harder around my hand, and I withdraw, not wanting her to climax until I’m inside her, just as selfish as my son. “Lean back into me,” I direct her, spreading her wide to take me, sloshing a wave of water out of the tub, close to delirium as I listen to it gurgle down the floor drain.
My cock slides into her, the wetness of her arousal flowing enough to counter the grip of the soapy water, so I don’t need to be careful, to be slow.
And I’m a prime arsehole as I offer her the reassurance she craves above all else.
“I’ll never leave you. Even without the money, if you want me, I’ll never stray an inch from your side.”
Her hand clenches into a fist as she strikes me, the angle so awkward for her there’s no force behind the blow. I grab hold of her, my cock thumping home with such a hard stroke that another surge of water spills onto the floor.
“You belong to me, do you hear me?”
The toy bobs by and I grab it, firing it back into life and pushing it against her, so close to coming that I need her to hurry if I’m to bring her along for the ride.
“Whose are you?” I demand, thrusting again, hearing the water patter onto the tiles.
She doesn’t answer and I’m furious, so incensed that I nip her earlobe, wanting to torture her the way withholding the answer tortures me.
“I said, whose are you?” I growl, snatching the toy away from her clit just as she’s about to peak.
“Y-yours,” she stutters, voice aching with need. “I’m yours.”
And I bite into her shoulder again as I apply the toy, thrusting my cock as far inside her as I can go, readying to pump my release into her when I know better, when the golden rule of my profession is protection.
But she’s not my client, not any longer, and my cock is desperate to take her as my girl.
When she clenches around me, her whimper becoming a loud gasp of pleasure, I let the toy go, fingers claiming her pussy and swirling around her clit to extend her ecstasy while my cock twitches inside her, firing a warm jet to secure my possession.
I finally release my jaw a second before my teeth would break the skin, growling, acknowledging the elephant in the room.
“I’m not a fucking savage, so I won’t carve my name into you, but you can take that one back to Harrison to show him my claim.”