Page 103 of Hired Help

“I did communicate. I talked to Mum this morning.”

“Yeah.” I fold my arms while staring at him, the self-embrace my only point of warmth. “How’d that go?”

“It went kind of how you’d expect. I don’t think I’ll do it again in a hurry.”

“Fair enough. You get a free pass on that one,” I hold up a warning finger. “But that’s the only pass, got it?”

His smile is wide and genuine and tugs at so many heartstrings I’m in danger of having an attack.

“Now, get in the car before I ground you.”

“Sure. Now you start parenting.”

He slips around the side of the vehicle before I can give him a crack over the ear for talking back, and I watch fondly as he replaces the rug in the car before getting in the front passenger seat. Inside, he fiddles with the air conditioning, cranking the heat as high as it’ll go, then settling back, rubbing his arms to generate some warmth.

“Sorry if I concerned you,” he says as I take the driver’s side. “I didn’t even realise how dumb an idea it was until I dove into the water. After that, I wanted the discomfort to be worth it, so didn’t get straight back out.”

I put my hand on the back of his neck, ruffling his collar-length hair, throat swelling with affection.

“What’s that look for?”

“I love you a whole lot, you know.” I start the car but don’t put it in drive, just idling with my hands on the wheel. “If this situation’s too much for you, it’s okay to let me know. I’d rather step back than lose you altogether.”

Harrison huffs out a breath through his nose, turning to stare out his passenger window. “Good one. Can you imagine Brooke letting you get away from her now? She’d pay to hunt you down on the street, then keep you captive in a modified basement.”

“Ah, now I get it. I was wondering what you saw in her, but obviously the mad stalker vibes cinched the deal.”

“Sure, laugh,” he scoffs. “But remember she bought your house when she thought you might try to back away. Pretty sure that’s coercive control in action.”

He has a point. Right from the start, Brooke’s controlled access to me with money. I forget she’s wealthy day to day, although yesterday’s travel in a private jet reinforced the idea better than anything else I’ve seen.

Then I remember her storming to my door after the dance, ignoring the embarrassment and awkwardness in her single-minded pursuit of what she wanted. The blatant manipulation that would be a turn off in anyone else, but because of her, of how she is, how I feel about her, it’s undeniably sexy.

“Yeah,” I agree. It’s definitely a form of control. Even her submission in the bedroom comes at the end of a spirited fight. And because Harrison’s admiration shone through in his voice, I add, “I kind of like it, too.”

He bursts into laughter, shaking his head as he pulls across his seat belt, and I reverse the car away from the lines of ghost houses, heading for the comforts and safety of home.



Harrison and Daeganlook strangely satisfied when they return from their outing. The flutter of worry that Daegan had given me as a parting gift, relaxes into gratitude the moment they get home.

I don’t understand why they chose one of the coldest days this year to go swimming, but they appear so pleased with themselves and each other, I don’t much care.

“It’s official,” Harrison says after taking a shower to turn him back to his usual rosy hue. “I’m a high school drop out.”

The news takes me by surprise. “You are?”

“Mm-hm. Apparently Martin’s pulled the plug on my enrolment, so I’m no longer able to attend.”

“You can’t attend Kingswood,” Daegan corrects him. “You’re perfectly capable of going to the local high school.”

“The one with the metal detector on its main doors?”

“Wouldn’t you rather that than students carrying anything they like into the school?”

I raise my eyebrow at Harrison, his old jocularity sinking into my bones like a warm brew. “Since he carries a knife, I think he’s upset they’ll confiscate it if they find out.”