Page 60 of Lesson Learned

I laugh into the curve of her neck, watching the shiver spread across her shoulders. She’s so sensitive, I can’t wait to have her stretched out in my bed, completely vulnerable again. “Why don’t you say it a little louder? I don’t think everyone in the store heard you.”

She blanches and I spin her to face me.

“Don’t overthink it. Your choice is yes or no. If it really makes you uncomfortable, that’s fine. I won’t lavish you with clothing and jewellery and shoes—”

Paisley interrupts me with a snort. “Good luck finding shoes in my size.”

“Oh.” My eyes light up. “A challenge. There’s nothing us rich folk like better than a challenge.” I turn to the hovering assistant who’s desperate trying to appear like he’s not eavesdropping. “You’ve got contacts for high-end shoes, don’t you?”

“Certainly, sir.”

“We want a dozen pairs of whatever size shoe she wears. Heels, court shoes, sneakers, boots…” I run out of options. “Anything else you fancy?”


“Sure. Add some flip-flops to the order but you’d better not grow any bigger before summer.”

“I’ve only grown an inch in height since I turned thirteen.”

“Sounds like a safe bet. What else?”

Her chin drops to her chest, and she murmurs something unintelligible that I can guess at by the fury of her blushes.

“Also, lingerie. We can’t have her wandering around without—”

Paisley clamps a hand over my mouth, looking decidedly uncomfortable. I’m still prying her fingers away when my phone rings.

It’s Patrick.

“What part of ‘no girls and no trouble’ did you misunderstand?” he rages, and I hold it closer to my ear so Paisley can’t overhear. “Is she even sixteen?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I fire back, trying to move out of earshot. “Just hold on a second so I can talk privately.”

“No. You come here and explain yourself or my next call is to Creighton.”

I close my eyes. “Are you determined to suck all the fun out of my life or is that just a by-product of your job?”

“We can discuss it when you get your arse over here.”

He hangs up and I tuck my phone away, sorely tempted to ignore him, reluctantly accepting I’m in no position to do that.

“Gotta go.” I pull Paisley close, cupping her face between my hands and smiling. “Stay here. Buy anything you like. This guy’ll help you with everything you need, okay?”

She nods, nibbling on her thumbnail. “Are you coming back?”

“Probably not today. There’s a family emergency, but I’ll text you to arrange something for tomorrow, yeah?”

Her eyes clear and she nods.

“Now go change into the crimson dress and even if you don’t want to buy anything else, please get that for me.”

She gives me one of her shy smiles. “Yeah, okay.”

Once the door’s closed, I turn to the assistant, handing over my card. “Add anything she wants to the charge. You’re good up to a hundred grand. And arrange for someone to get her home afterwards, please.”

He agrees, taking an imprint and signature, and I’m out the door within a minute, striding to the car. The driver is already clued into where we’re going, which means Patrick didn’t even trust me that far.

I sit back in my seat, resigned to the maelstrom I sense coming.