Page 44 of Lesson Learned

He drags his mouth away and the ragged edge to his breathing catapults me close to the edge, my hips urging his hand to move faster as he slides another finger to join his first, then stretching me with a third, the slight burn as he moves harder and faster giving a welcome note of spice to his indulgent finger buffet. “Are you ready, angel?”

When I nod, he lifts me, curling me against his chest, letting me snap my legs together around his hand, fingers trapped inside, still moving, still stroking my tender flesh as my orgasm hits, a punch of pleasure that rolls around my body, spreading everywhere, lighting my brain on fire until the only sense left is touch.

He spreads me on the seat beside him, laying me down, looming over me as he watches my face, my body, eyes glued to the thrust of my hips, the deep flush that lights up my skin.

His mouth moves to join his finger, tongue licking as my spasms slowly die away, tasting me before he lifts me back onto his lap.

“That’s my girl,” he whispers, tucking me into his embrace and rocking as my nerve endings finish their celebration, settling back into place, replete. Spent.

“That was so good,” I mumble into his neck, his collarbone pressing against my chin, my fingers running over the vertebrae at the top of his spine. “You deserve a round of applause.”

“You’re welcome.” His breathing slows, synching with mine. “You’re definitely the teacher’s pet.”

The words are sweet, but they set off an alarm that grows more strident every second. I unwind my limbs, detangling myself from him, buttoning and straightening my clothing.

I can’t believe how intimate we were, how close we felt, yet I’m still fully dressed. Needing a change of underwear because these are soaking through, but otherwise unaffected.

When I reach my hand to his belt buckle again, wanting to reciprocate, to give him equal pleasure, he takes them away, kissing my knuckles while he shakes his head. “There’s no time, sweetheart.” He gives an enormous sigh riddled with pleasure. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of this but when you’re so close, I can’t help myself.”

He tucks me against his chest, the warm beat of his heart thumping in my ear.

And I hate to ask, hate to sound selfish, but I also need to know. “What’s going to happen about the papers?”

He takes my hand, twining his fingers through mine, lifting it to his lips to kiss my inner wrist again, reigniting the same sparks as before. “Nothing. You’ll need to stop but I’m sure I can talk Ashleigh around so there’s no repercussion.”

“Thank you.” I shift on his lap, tugging at my hem with my free hand. “You won’t get in trouble for that, will you?”

“No, sweetheart. You don’t have to worry about me.” His thumb strokes the skin on the back of my hand. “What about you? Will you be all right for money?”

My breathing stops. I think he’s about to offer to pay me, the same as he would any whore, and I want to cry.

The sensation of worthlessness hits stronger than ever before. Panic steals my oxygen, making me woozy.

“Hey.” He cups my head firmer against his chest, rocking me. “I’m only asking because your job just evaporated, nothing more than that. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“You didn’t. I’m just…” I close my eyes for a second, losing myself in his warmth, feeling that surge of closeness, letting it fill me before I pull away. “Are we…?”

But I don’t even know how to ask that question and fall silent.

Somehow, he understands. “You’re my girl if you want to be. Is that what you need to know? You’re my girl and even if we have to sneak around, or hide our relationship for a while, I’ll always be thinking of you, thinking of ways to see you.”

A surge of gratitude fills the emptiness in my chest. “I’ll be thinking of you, too.”

* * *


She’s magnificent, collapsing against the seat, letting me haul her into my arms without protest. I shouldn’t be comparing her, but I can’t help it. She’s everything I always wanted Saski to be.

Agreeable, grateful, compliant.

I love the sweet taste of her as I lick her from my fingers, the sensation as she came around them, her most intimate muscles convulsing with joy.

Her sleepy, satisfied yawn makes me want to crawl beside her, hold her down and fuck her until she can’t walk without thinking of us at every step.

“There’s no time,” I repeat in a whisper, taking her hand and kissing the knuckles, turning it over to light a trail of kisses up the inside of her arm, lifting it above her head to gain further access, only stopping when she squirms, struggling with an onset of tickles.

“We need to get back to school.”