We spend hours in Eden, talking, laughing, and eating the picnic lunch I asked Enfys to pack us.
"We should head back," I say reluctantly. “It’s getting late.”
"I had a really nice time with you today, Gruffydd," Kiki says softly, looking up at me as though the admission surprises her. "Thank you for showing me around."
"It was my pleasure," I rumble back, resisting the urge to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "But we’ll see each other again very soon."
She cocks her head, curious. "Very soon?"
I nod, unable to contain my grin. "There’s a hoedown tonight. And I will be your date." I grin widely, showing full-fang.
She arches a brow. "Oh you will, will you?"
“That’s right,” I confirm with a wink. "I am courting you, after all.”
Chapter 11
I slink back into the dorm room, hoping to sneak in unnoticed. Fat chance of that happening.
"Lookie here. Look who finally decided to grace us with her presence," Steph sing-songs, her red curls bouncing as she waggles her eyebrows at me.
So much for stealth mode. I plaster on an innocent smile. "Oh, hey guys. What's up?"
Octavia looks up from braiding Bambi's hair, and Bambi’s green eyes twinkle. "Oh, nothing much. Just wondering where you’ve been all day."
I flop onto my bed with an exaggerated groan.
"How was your tour? More specifically, how was your tall, dark, and hairy tour guide," Steph quips.
Heat creeps up my neck. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Octavia, usually so quiet, pipes up. "Come on, Maria. Spill the tea. We’ve been waiting all day. What's he like?"
I bite my lip, unsure how much to divulge. These women are practically strangers, after all. But then again, we're all in thisbizarre situation together. Maybe a little girl talk is exactly what I need.
"Gruffydd's...different," I start, choosing my words carefully. "Not at all what I expected."
"Different." Bambi giggles. “Yeah, we know.”
“Come on, though, we talked to Enfys, but none of us has even had a conversation with a male Sasquatch yet. Enfys says they’re supposed to keep their distance until tonight,” Steph chimes in. “But apparently, for some reason, Gruffydd is an exception.”
“What we really want to know,” Bambi leans forward with interest, “is what to expect.”
I glance up at Octavia who doesn’t seem to care either way as she continues to fix Bambi’s hair.
I shrug, aiming for nonchalance but probably missing by a mile. "He's smart, for one thing. Did you know the Sasquatches have stock portfolios? And don't even get me started on their underground garden. It's called Eden and it’s gorgeous, like a true Eden?—"
"We saw it," Steph interrupts. "But we want the juicy details. Is he scary? Did he try to eat you?"
I roll my eyes. "Please. He's about as scary as a giant teddy bear. And his fur? It's not thick and coarse at all. It's actually short and really soft and silky. Like a baby’s hair."
The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. Crap. Now they're definitely going to think something happened.
Sure enough, three pairs of eyes widen in unison.
"And how exactly do you know how soft his fur is?" Bambi asks, her voice dripping with innuendo.