He rolled his eyes. “Feeling cocky this morning, eh?”
“Oh yeah.”
“I didn’t—” Maddox paused. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No. I mean, my ass is kinda sore, but it’s the good kind. And it was worth it, because you and me? It’s freaking amazing.”
Maddox leaned down and kissed me. But it was barely a brush of his lips, and then he was pulling back. I cupped his face, urging him to stay close.
“Kiss me like you meant it,” I whispered. “Boyfriend.”
Maddox did just that.
Maddox and I made out slowly, kissing for ages. Not caring about morning breath, our lips swollen, our lungs in desperate need of air. There was no class to get to, no game to prepare for, no student event to sit in on. And hey, Coach wanted everyone on the team to get in a light workout. We figured this would count.
I thought maybe Maddox would want to be alone after all that talk about his piece of shit father. But he held on to me tightly, and didn’t let go.
My phone chimed, and Maddox and I reluctantly separated. I reached down and grabbed my bag, searching for my phone. When I saw the reminders piling up, I sighed.
“Shit. I forgot my meds last night.”
I yanked out my pill case.
“I’ll get you a glass of water,” Maddox offered and slid out of bed.
I watched him strut to the bathroom and yes, he was strutting, whether or not he was aware of it. Between his taut body, his tats, and that high, sweet ass of his, I was all but drooling.
By the time I plucked my pills out, Maddox had returned holding two glasses of water.
Screwing around in the dark was one thing. But seeing his body now had my heart hammering against my ribcage.
He passed me a glass, and I popped my meds, then gratefully gulped down the water. I watched as Maddox did the same, mesmerized by the way his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. It brought me back to the locker room and that wicked blow job. Then I noticed he’d put his silver earring back in. Just when I thought he couldn’t get any hotter.
“You’re staring,” he snarked.
“You’re gorgeous.”
He looked down, pieces of his dark hair sliding over his eyes.
“It’s the truth.”
“Kay,” he growled.
“Yes, baby?”
Maddox’s head shot up, and I noticed the goosebumps all over his skin.
“Wanna go workout?” he asked.
That was… not what I was expecting him to say.
“Food first.”