After the latest round of selfies was done, we had the table to ourselves.

“What the fuck is going on?” Ronin asked with a smile, offering me a slap on the back. Then he turned to his bandmate. “Dee, you’ve started a dangerous trend. Relationships better not be catching.”

“I’d sooner catch an STD,” Holloway quipped.

Even the stoic bodyguards around us laughed at that comment. Well, everyone except Dawson, the one standing closest to Holls.

“Wait, this doesn’t mean that you’re going to leave us to work for Killmine, does it?” Faise asked Tommy.

There was a noticeable pause before Tommy replied. “Uh, no, but there’ll be overlap with the summer concert schedule.”

“Right,” Faise replied. “Cool. And hey, if we did have to lose you, at least it’s to a band we love.”

Would that be possible? Tommy working for us? The more I thought about it, the more I loved the idea. But maybe that was too much for him. Working, and living, together.

One step at a time. Slow it down.

Slow was funny. I’d already agreed to move in with him.

“Hey! I found these stragglers outside. Should we let them join the party?”

Everyone turned to find Ace walking up to our group. And the stragglers? None other than my bandmates, of course.

There were hugs all around and the guys grabbed seats next to us. Our server dropped off a tray of beers, and another with shots of bourbon. I grabbed two shots and passed one toTommy. We clinked our glasses, and downed the sweet heat. That burn was so damn good.

“I still can’t believethishas happened.” Otis smirked as he pointed between me and Tommy. “But you guys look really fucking happy.”

“Happy’s an understatement,” Tommy replied, turning to look at me, those dimples in full effect. “Do you want to tell them?”

“Tell us what?” Heath asked, leaning forward.

The chatter around the table quieted as all our friends stared at us. Even Brodie was silent.

“I found a place in Nashville to call home,” I started, biting my lower lip to keep from smiling and giving my secret away too soon.

“Already? We just started looking. How’d you find a place so fast?” Xander asked.

“I’m moving in with Tommy.”

Our friends stared at us with wide eyes, then everyone reached for another shot.

“Holy shit!” Otis muttered.

“You’re serious?” Heath asked.

“Hell yes,” I replied at the same time as my boyfriend.

Tommy laughed, pulled me back into his arms, and laid a fierce kiss on me in front of everyone. There was no doubt about our decision.

“Fuck, you’re hot together,” Ronin commented.

Tommy leaned back. “Nope. Not gonna happen.”

“What?” Ronin gave us an innocent grin. “I’m just saying?—”

Faise playfully swatted his BFF on the arm. “Leave them be.”

“Ronin, I thought you were mine,” Payton teased.