“Let’s see what he sent you.”

Nate pulled his phone out of his pocket, tapped on his email, then passed the phone over to me. I glanced through the listings, noting every price, size, and neighborhood.

“Right off the bat, I’d say no to the first two listings. Those condos are near Broadway Street and with the bars down there, it’s loud as fuck. You’re never gonna get any decent sleep. But number three, the listing on Hargrove, looks like a contender.”

Nate smiled and took another sip of his beer. “Isn’t that a couple of blocks from here?”

“Maybe.” I grinned at him.

Nate chuckled and leaned over, taking my lips in a languid kiss. “Well, if myboyfriendrecommends it, how can I say no?”

I playfully nipped his lower lip. “Don’t start with the dirty talk. We need to eat before we have sex again.”

Nate squeezed my thigh and reached for my plate. “I’m good with this plan.”

“Speaking of plans, after dinner tomorrow, I thought we could go line dancing. Have you ever been?”

He passed my plate over and picked up his.

“A few times. But you may need to teach me again. My dance moves are mainly for the stage. Or clubs and house music.”

“Like the night we met?” I chuckled, remembering. “We lasted all but two minutes on that dance floor.”

“We’ll have to try it again sometime. But I like your idea. Line dancing with my boyfriend sounds sexy as hell.”

At that exact moment, my stomach took the opportunity to let out a loud growl. Nate just chuckled and shook his head.


“I thought I was the bossy one,” I quipped.

He grabbed a spring roll and offered it to me. I made a big show of taking a bite, reveling in the fried goodness.

“The second-best thing I’ve tasted tonight,” I teased.

“You mean third. Don’t forget the beignets.”

Nate smiled and finished the rest of the roll.

“Just out of curiosity,” he said between mouthfuls of food. “What’s the name of this place you’re taking me to?”

“It’s called Foster’s Way. They’ve got live music every night of the week, mostly country. And it’s LGBTQ+ owned, so it’s a safe space.”

“I can’t wait.”

After we ate, Nate texted his realtor. We were set for noon tomorrow to view the condos.

Then we talked for ages about music and travel, shared another beer, and watched a movie. Nate fell asleep halfwaythrough the film, his head on my shoulder, his curls tickling my ear.

I had no idea that being with him like this could move me so much, but it did. He touched something deep inside me, something I’d lost a long time ago, when I lost my family. That feeling of home. Of being accepted, seen, and yeah, loved. I was myself with him. No need to impress or redress. Everything about the two of us together was good and right. Not that I was naïve. I knew there would be periods of long distance, and it wouldn’t be easy. But I knew for sure that with him, it would be worth it.

I lifted Nate up as gently as I could and carried him to my bedroom. He was so wiped out that he didn’t wake up. After I tucked him into bed, I grabbed a glass of water and placed it on the nightstand for him. I headed back to the bathroom and washed up. Then I checked my phone one last time, and headed for bed, turning out the light.

Like he knew I was there, he rolled over and snuggled up against me.

And me? I gratefully held on to my happiness.
