I turned to find Brodie standing behind me, sunglasses on, in jeans, a sweatshirt, and running shoes. He looked so far from his usual glam persona that I hardly recognized him.
“He flew out this morning,” I replied. “Anything I can help with?”
“I wanted to grab my purple Gibson Les Paul. Me and the guys are gonna work on some songs at my place.”
“Cool.” I tapped on my tablet and searched for the right instrument. “It looks like it hasn’t been loaded yet. Let’s check out the stage.”
Brodie followed me back up the stairs, to the now empty stage, our footsteps echoing loudly.
“What about you? Are you taking any vacations in January?” Brodie asked me.
“No trip.” I smiled. “But I do have plans to meet up with a friend in a week’s time.”
Shit, me and my big mouth.
“What kind of friend?”
My face heated, and I didn’t turn away fast enough.
“So, it’s like that, is it?” His laugh was low and dirty. “Come on, give me the dirt. Who is it?”
I laughed at Brodie’s inquisition, shaking my head. “No way. I tell you, then you’ll tell Holls, and Faise, and Ronin. Suddenly, the whole crew knows.”
“That’s the way we roll, T. None of us are shy about bragging,” Brodie smirked. “Is it someone I know?”
My face was on fire at this point.
“Fucking hell, I’ve never seen you blush like that before. Now you have to tell me.”
“Let’s go find that guitar,” I muttered, trying desperately to change the subject.
“You can’t distract me that easily,” Brodie replied. “You know I’m relentless when I want something.”
He was. I glanced at Brodie and the wedding ring on his finger. Yeah, it was hard to believe that the provocative singer and self-proclaimed fuckboy had ended up getting married recently. And he was right. When Brodie wanted something, he got it.
“I don’t know if he wants me to say anything to anyone,” I finally replied, a lump in my throat. “And I want to protect him. I mean, his privacy.”
Brodie pushed his sunglasses off and stared at me. “It’s serious?”
I nodded. “At least, for me. But I’m not sure if he feels the same. And I don’t want to fuck this up.”
“I know that feeling.”
I paced the stage, my mind now on anything but work.
“I’ve never had a boyfriend. Never appealed to me. I was happy just fucking around. Until I met him. But what if it’s all me? I’m worried that I’m about to make a fool of myself. His career takes him on the road, and he’s just starting to hit the big time, so what the hell is he doing with?—”
“Is he a musician?” Brodie’s sharp hazel eyes studied me.
I guess there was no denying that part.
“Yeah. And, man, he’s just—” I paused, trying to find a word that captured Nate. I hugged the tablet to my chest and bit my lower lip. “Beautiful.”
Brodie whistled and patted my shoulder. “I’m not gonna give you any advice. Except to say, if you really want to be with this guy, make sure he knows it.”
I nodded, my resolve leaving me grounded. Confident.