Nate: Oh shit. Send me a pic, cher. I need a good laugh.
Tommy: Better yet, a video call? I want to see your face, beautiful.
Nate: Same
The second week of December
Tommy: Hey, beautiful. How’s life on the road?
Nate: One more day in Tampa. I like it here. It’s more laid-back than Miami. Great beaches.
Tommy: Glad you got a chance to explore the area. It’s one of my favorite places in FL.
Nate: It’s been storming here for the past two days, so the waves were awesome. We had a morning off, so I went surfing at St. Pete Beach.
Tommy: Surfing? Are you serious? I need pics now!
Nate: Hold on
Tommy: You in that wetsuit is??fuck, I need a moment
Nate: You say that about every pic I send you LOL
Tommy: What can I say? You’re damn sexy and you need to know it.
Nate: Look who’s talking. Now how about sending me a pic of you? It works both ways.
Tommy: I’m at the studio, working with Ace. Nothing sexy about me right now. And a selfie’s the best I can do.
Nate: Growing your hair out? I’m a big fan. Of that and the scruff you’ve got going on. And cher, your smile is something else. You know it gets me every time??
Tommy: Nate Filier, are you flirting with me?
Nate: It’s been six weeks of this back and forth. What do you think?
Tommy: I think I want more??BTW, who took the photo of you in the water? One of the guys?
Nate: Otis. Me and Xander are the surfers. Heath and Otis prefer to sit on the pier and fish.
Tommy: I’ve gone surfing a few times. Maybe my next vacation. Hawaii is on my bucket list.
Nate: Same! Never been, but I feel like the island vibe is calling me. And I always get inspired when I’m at the ocean.
Tommy: Have you been doing any songwriting?
Nate: Funny you should ask. Me and Xander just finished up a song. Not sure if the label will okay it, though. One thing I’ve had to get used to is our new manager and the fact that he has input on every single thing we do, say, write, sing. Before, we wrote, worked on it for a bit until we got the sound right, and performed it. Now, there’s like, three levels of approvals before we can record it.
Tommy: Have you talked to Brodie since the concert?
Nate: I have. We hired Wayward’s lawyer to review our contract. Brodie told me to dig my heels in and fight for what’s right.
Tommy: Sounds like Dee.
Nate: Do you want to hear the song? I want to share it with you.