“Can you wait five minutes and I’ll come with? I want to say goodbye to them since I left so abruptly last night.”

“Of course. You hop in the shower, and I’ll make the coffee,” Tommy offered.


For some reason, I didn’t move. He nodded, but instead of walking away, he stalked over to the bed and sat down beside me.

Running one hand along my hip, he leaned in and kissed me. I didn’t think twice about kissing him back, not caring about morning breath, sore lips, or anything but one more taste of this man.

It wasn’t the full moon. It was me. And him. But it couldn’t be.

Giving him one last kiss, I pulled back, and he let me go.

“I’ll be as fast as I can,” I whispered and got up, letting the sheet go, walking past him, refusing to look back no matter how badly I wanted to.

It was never hard for me to walk away from a guy, but walking away from Tommy? I didn’t like the feeling at all.

Once I stepped into the bathroom, I turned the water on full blast and stood under the spray, shivering. I grabbed the bar of soap, scrubbed myself down, and rinsed off in record time. When I stepped out and grabbed a towel, I finally caught a glimpse of my reflection in the fogged-up mirror.

I looked like I’d been fucking all night for sure with beard burn and red lips. But it was my eyes. I saw something there that just couldn’t be.

Shaking my head, I grabbed the spare toothbrush from the counter and brushed my teeth.

When I walked back out to the bedroom, towel around my hips, Tommy was facing the window again, this time on his phone.

Good. Perfect. I could get dressed without distraction.

“I just have to grab breakfast first. You need anything?” Tommy continued talking. “Okay…sure…see you soon, boss.”

He was talking to Ace.

There was a cup of coffee on the nightstand. I reached for it and took a few grateful sips.

My clothes were neatly piled on the end of the bed. I reached for my lace jock and then, impulsively, left it there.

Reaching for my pants, I yanked them on, zipped up, threw my boots on, and then added my black top. I ran my fingers through my wet hair and that would have to do. I reached for my phone, which was low on battery, but I had enough to make do for the morning. There were a few messages from my band brothers.

Nate: On my way to the venue to say bye to Brodie and the guys. Meet at my place around 2?

Otis: sounds good

Xander: We want the deets from last night!

Heath: Bring coffee, please. I’m dying. Too… much…tequila

Tommy finished his call, grabbed his leather jacket, and turned around. “Ready?”

“Good to go.”

But as I headed for the door, every step was slower than the next. And Tommy didn’t seem to be rushing either, his hand on my back. Like neither of us was ready to leave.

When we walked into the hallway and the door slammed shut behind us, it hit me. No, not the door.

Normally, I’d be racing to leave a one-night stand behind.


This felt like anything but.