Our bus pulled into the studio parking lot in Nashville, and I couldn’t wait to get out. I had my bag in hand, my guitar in the other, ready to bolt.
As soon as we came to a full stop, of course.
My heart was galloping like a runaway horse, my legs couldn’t stop bouncing up and down, and my lips were suddenly dry. I was so happy to be here, to finally see Tommy again, but my excitement was tempered with nerves. What if things between us weren’t as good as that night? Would the chemistry be the same? Different?
Then I thought about our phone calls and texts. We didn’t go a day without communicating. So, yeah, things would be different. This was so much more than sex. And this time, I was staying at his place for two days. That was a big step—for both of us.
After a week of live performances, many, many interviews, and parties scheduled by our label, I was in bad need of a break. Time off with Tommy. No work. No interruptions.
When the bus finally pulled to a stop, I was the first one at the door.
“I’d say have fun, but that’s a given!” Otis shouted at me.
I turned and noticed that all the guys were smiling at me. “I’ll see you in a few days.”
“Remember, you need to save some of your voice for the studio,” Heath quipped.
“I’d give you my favorite finger, but my hands are tied up at the moment,” I replied as I held up my stuff.
“Kinky. Is Tommy into that?” Otis chuckled, and Heath joined in.
“Ignore them.” Xander shook his head. “They’re just jealous.”
“Hell no. Single forever!” Heath announced and Otis high fived him.
“Stay out of trouble!” I yelled back and headed down the stairs.
Our driver, Parker, preceded me and kindly pushed the door open.
“Thanks, Park, have a good one,” I said to him.
He tipped the brim of his ball cap and stepped aside. I got off the bus, surprised at the warm temperature here despite the gloomy skies.
Then I paused. I’d forgotten to book a rideshare.
Tommy had insisted he’d pick me up, but I’d said no, since I wasn’t sure exactly when we’d arrive, and I didn’t want him to have to wait around. Placing my bag on the ground, I pulled out my phone.
“Welcome home, beautiful.”
I nearly dropped my guitar case at the sound of Tommy’s voice.
Turning around, I found him standing near the back end of the bus, looking finer than the first time I’d laid eyes on him. In dark jeans, a bomber jacket, and cowboy boots. Those killer dimples of his were in full effect. And when his dark eyes met mine, I struggled not to throw my favorite guitar on the ground and run over to him. Then, I didn’t have to. Good thing too, because I was so overwhelmed that I could barely breathe, never mind move.
Tommy strutted towards me, a white box in hand.
“I guess I don’t have to worry about a rideshare.”
I was surprised I could speak at all, given the huge lump in my throat.
His smile grew brighter, and I couldn’t wait to taste it.
“That’s right. ‘Cause I’m the only one you’ll be riding,” he teased as he drew closer, taking the guitar case gently out of my hand and placing it on the ground.
Tommy wrapped his free arm around my waist and pulled me in tight, our lips meeting in a fierce kiss. How had I gone two months without this?
All the crazy emotions I was feeling the day I left NOLA came rushing back.
It was the best kind of homecoming I could’ve imagined.