Tommy: I’d be honored.

Nate: Let me grab my guitar and I’ll call you.

Tommy: I can’t wait




“All right, Nashville!! Are you ready to rock right into the New Year?”

Brodie’s question was met with thunderous applause.

I stood on the sidelines of the biggest stage in town, watching Wayward’s lead singer and the rest of the boys from the band—get ready to ring in the new year, rock ‘n’ roll style. Brodie, dressed in a red leather kilt, no shirt, and combat boots, strutted the length of the stage, greeting the screaming fans in the front row.

I loved my job and there was nothing like setting up a New Year’s Eve concert. Me and the crew had busted our asses since yesterday making sure the equipment, the sound, and the lighting, were perfect. We worked hard on every show, but there was added pressure tonight. Nashville was music central. And people came from all over the world expecting to get wowed. Judging by the booming energy of this audience, I was pretty sure that Wayward Lane would hit their mark tonight.

“I can’t hear you!!” Brodie screamed and motioned to the fans by raising his arms high.

The roar of the crowd erupted again, louder. This time, Brodie finally grinned and nodded.

“Yes! That’s more like it. Let’s make some fucking noise! Or better yet, someFilthy Pain!”

One of their biggest hits and one of my personal favorites. I knew every dirty lyric. Not that I was a musician or a singer myself. Except maybe in the shower.

Brodie began to belt out the opening chorus, and I stood there, in a rare moment of stillness, like I always did at the start of the show. I absorbed the energy around me, and marveled at the performance, witnessing the crew’s hard work come to fruition.

The only thing that could make tonight better was if…

My phone vibrated in my pocket.

When I pulled it out and glanced at the gorgeous face of Nate Filier on my screen, anticipation had my heart beating double time. Fuck, I was now amped up higher than the crowd.

“I have to take this.” I informed my boss, Ace, who was standing beside me. “I’ll be back in ten.”

Ace nodded, and I quickly headed backstage.

I couldn’t tap ‘accept’ fast enough.

My one-night stand with the stunning frontman turned out to be anything but just one encounter. Ever since that concert, Nate had haunted my waking thoughts and my nightly dreams.

Despite all the warnings in my head, and the fact I’d never had more than a casual hookup with a man, I kept reaching out to Nate and vice versa. There were dozens of texts and phone calls. We talked about anything and everything. And with each passing day, the need to see him again hit hard. Like right fucking now.

Confession time: I hadn’t slept with anyone else since we’d met.Hewas all I wanted. But our schedules were at odds and we hadn’t defined what the hell we were doing.

For two guys in their mid-twenties who spent their lives living out of suitcases and avoiding anything resembling a relationship, it was kind of crazy. Intense and unexpected.

And yet, here we were.

“Happy New Year!” I answered the call as I made my way backstage, looking for a room for privacy.

Nate was performing in Times Square tonight. A new year’s gig was a huge deal for a band about to launch their album. It was already midnight in New York. I could see that Nate was surrounded by throngs of people and confetti flying everywhere.

And there was lots of kissing going on, too. Fuck, that made me so damn envious.

“It is now,” Nate replied, his voice barely audible. “How’s your night, cher?”