“As I should.”
The champagne sunset reflects off the man-made pond and the water sparkles around the dark silhouettes of a group of ducks floating on its surface.
“It’s lovely out here.”
“Aye, it is. Da put the pond in for our mother when we were kids. We wanted a swimming pool, but she thought that would take away from the atmosphere of the castle, stables, and grounds. They compromised on a pond.”
“You and your brothers swam in there?”
“All the time. As soon as it was warm enough—and often before that—we’d swim while Mam oversaw the shenanigans from the gazebo and read her travel books.”
A nostalgic smile warms his face as he looks out onto the waters. I squeeze his hand, grateful to witness a glimpse of his childhood and learn a bit more about the life that made him the man he is.
As we arrive at the gazebo, my breath catches in my throat. It’s transformed into something from a dream.
Delicate gossamer sheers flutter gently in the breeze, the soft fabric catching the pale, tangerine light. It creates a glow that seems to capture the warmth of the sun.
Inside, a plush mattress is lain out, piled with fluffy blankets and pillows that invite us to forget the world. A tray laden with snacks—cheese, fruit, and a bottle of wine—sits nearby, promising a sweet interlude to our evening. And above it all, laced along the inside edge of the structure, is a string of white fairy lights.
“It’s beautiful, Sean,” I whisper as I step inside.
The sheers billow around us, enveloping us in a soft, ethereal world apart from the rest of the estate. I run my fingers over the blankets, the textures rich and comforting under my touch.
Sean watches me with a smile, his eyes reflecting the colors of the fading day. “It’s a bit cool, but I intend to keep you plenty warm under the covers.”
The chill in the air is noticeable, but the thought of curling up with Sean under the blankets warms me from the inside out. “You’re too much, Mr. Quinn.”
He grins. “You like it, then?”
“Och, no. I love it. Almost as much as I love the man who did all this for me.”
“Connor?” His gaze narrows. “You do know he’s married to Cora, right?”
I laugh. “So, you’re saying you didn’t do this?”
He chuckles and gives me a squeeze. “I’m teasing. I hung every light and set up every pillow. Cora made the snack tray, but I told her what I wanted. I also brought these.”
He holds out a box of frosted cherry Pop-Tarts and waggles his ebony brows.
I reach up and cup his face in my palms. His skin is cool from the breeze, but his smile is warm enough to keep any cold at bay. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
Sean pulls me close, his arms wrapping around me as we stand at the entrance of the magical space he made for us. “I think the fabric dancing around us, is inviting us inside.”
“I think you’re right.”
He lifts me off my feet, and I wrap my legs around his hips. “I hope you mentioned to your brothers not to come down to the gazebo tonight.”
He laughs, his warm breath washing the skin on my neck. “Don’t worry. They have been warned.”
Our night in the gazebo is glorious and true to his word, Sean keeps me warm all night. In the morning, I don’t want to face the day, but today is the reading of the will and the Quinns need to know the outcome to prepare for the next stage of preparations.
Hidden under the blankets, the two of us stare at one another like kids huddled under a blanket fort.
“I don’t want to go inside.”
Sean frowns. “I’ll be right beside you for whatever happens.”
“I wasn’t talking about the reading of the will. I was talking about leaving our cocoon and having to put on cold clothes after being so toasty all night.”