Page 81 of Dublin Devil

He’s here.

When the explosions started, Vladmir and Arkady ran out of here like their asses were on fire. I hoped—no, I prayed—Sean was coming for me.

But even as I did, I reminded myself not to be so naïve. The Quinns don’t come across the river. If he did, Sean would be breaking the truce his brother so desperately wants to preserve.

But he’s here.

“What the fuck did they do to you?” Sean’s voice is warbling with fury and I’m not sure what set him off until I track his gaze.

There’s a thin trail of blood on the inside of my thigh. “I’m all right. Sean, listen to me. They didn’t rape me.”

“Then why the fuck are you bleeding?”

I could say it’s my period and avoid telling him the humiliating truth, but I don’t think I can lie to him. I don’twantto lie to him. “I told them I wasn’t a virgin and Arkady verified that with two fingers. It wasn’t pleasant, but it isn’t worth dying over. Now, untie me and take me away from here.”

As if to punctuate the urgency of my request, automatic gunfire sounds off outside the house.

Sean stalks closer. “Aye, we’ll leave, but everything about you is more than worth dying over, Piper. Don’t ever doubt that.”

My wrists burn as Sean slices through the plastic ties that bind them. The relief of being freed is immediate, but the fear and adrenaline that have been clawing at my insides don’t subside.

Sean pulls me into his arms, the reality of my rescue not settling in yet.

“Thank you.” My voice is as unsteady as my hands. “I wasn’t sure you’d come.”

Sean eases back, his scowl intense. “I will always come for you, kitten. But from now on, I won’t need to because you’re never leaving my fucking side.”

I like the sound of that.

I’m not sure how that will work, but it’s a nice thought for a terrible moment.

“Hate to break this up, but it’s time to go.” Brendan is leaning into the room with urgency written all over his face. “Hey, Piper. Glad you’re not dead.”

“Thanks. Me too.”

Sean grabs my hand and leads me out of the room. We rush through the mansion, dodging people fleeing the chaos that the Quinns have unleashed.

Anxiety twists hot in my guts as we step over the bodies of dead men—men I recognize. They work for my father, so why would they be here? Are they guarding the Russians?

The truth is much simpler than that, and the realization sinks in with each hurried step. My father’s men are here because this wedding is all part of his twisted plot to marry me off to the Russians. The entire event is a lovely farce meant to bind me to a life I never wanted.

My father is behind all of this.

We burst out a side door and sprint along the stone wall of the house. The backyard sprawls before us, a scene of shattered elegance.

The wedding preparations—a grotesque reminder of what was meant to be my future—lie in ruins. Draped tables are overturned, gorgeous flower arrangements are trampled… It’s the backdrop of Vladmir’s delusional plans for me.

“Almost there.” Sean glances over his shoulder to send me a reassuring gaze and I scream.

Just as the beach is in sight, Vladmir and Arkady step into our path, guns raised.

We stagger to a halt, the cold night air prickling my skin. Vladmir’s face is twisted, his gaze burning with a mix of madness and betrayal.

Arkady stands beside him, his loyalty to Vladmir unwavering despite the chaos.

Time stands still.

My heart beats so loudly I can hear it in my ears.