Page 78 of Dublin Devil

“Last week I didn’t know he had signed me up for an arranged marriage. It won’t hold up. I’m not a child bride that has no say. I’m an adult and I don’t agree to any of this.”

Vladmir frowns. “I have papers.”

Yes, yes. He seems to think that’s his answer for all of this. Not the brightest bulb, Vladmir.

“The papers are a lie. I’m not an innocent virgin, Vladmir. I have a lover and my father knows it. He’s playing you for a sucker because he wants your cousin’s guns. You can’t believe him.”

There have been few moments when I’ve gotten through the testosterone fog these Russians live under, but the moment I say I’m not a virgin, Vladmir stiffens. “You lie.”

“No. It’s the truth. I’m not an innocent. I won’t be your good girl virgin. I’m in love with another man—a powerful man who has an army at his command. He’ll be coming for me.”

The words come out of my mouth as an attempt to gain my freedom, but as they hang in the air between us, I acknowledge how true they are. I love Sean.

I’m in love with Sean Quinn.

Just as I think I’m getting through to Vladmir, Arkady joins us. He looks at the two of us and says something to Vladmir in Russian.

Vladmir stands gesturing to me lying there. “She says she’s not innocent—not untouched.”

Arkady’s gaze darkens as he scowls at me. “Lying to Vladmir Volkov is dangerous. His cousin very dangerous man.”

“I’m not the one who lied to you. My father lied. When I found out he sold me off as a virgin, I told him I’m not. I made it clear he had to fix this and tell you the truth.”

Vladmir frowns. “He said nothing.”

“One of you lies.” Arkady flicks his hand toward Vladmir, motioning him toward the end of the bed. “Time to find out who. Grab her legs.”

Without hesitation, Vladmir’s meaty hands clasp around my ankles. The breath rushes out of my lungs as Arkady climbs over me and lifts the skirt of the dress I wore to Ryan’s funeral.

I fight to kick my feet, but Vladmir’s too strong.

I fight against the plastic binding my wrists, but that only serves to make the cuffs bite harder into my flesh.

“Get off me,” I screech, bucking my hips. “Don’t fucking touch me.”

With a violent grab, Arkady snaps the crotch of my underpants and sticks two fingers in me. He’s rough and I’m the farthest thing from turned on, so the digits feel like sandpaper as he penetrates me.

I scream and then it’s over.

Arkady pulls his hand back and spits on me. “Not a virgin.”

I turn my head to the side, wiping his saliva onto the pillow. “How is this my fault? My father is the one who lied to you.”

“McGuires are liars,” Vladmir shouts, scowling at me. “When I tell Anton, no guns for you. And no wedding. I want an innocent, good girl, not a whore.”

I take the insult because it doesn’t faze me. The important points in Vladmir’s rant are that the wedding is off, and I’ve screwed over my father. Technically, I was a virgin when Da drew up the marriage contract, but no one needs to know that.

See, I can fight dirty, too.

Now the question is, will they let me go or kill me?


The sound of the waves slapping against the side of the boat syncs with the pounding of my heart as we approach Vance’s Harbour. The night is dark, only the distant lights of south Dublin and the soft glow of our equipment lighting our way.

The salt in the air mixes with the adrenaline that courses through my veins, each breath tasting of the bay and imminent danger.

Beside me, Brendan checks his gear for the umpteenth time, his movements precise and methodical. The guy is an adrenaline junky, but I wouldn’t want anyone else by my side.