He laughs again, this time his voice is full and booming with amusement. “You live and die by my order, Piper. You have no rights. It’s a pity you didn’t realize it sooner. Maybe all this ugliness might’ve been avoided.”
The phone goes dead and my mind spins.
I study the evil glint in the eyes of the two Russians taking me captive and wonder how the hell I’m going to get out of this.
“You understanding now, da?” Vladmir takes my cell, rolls down the window, and tosses it out of the car. “Your father made promise. Now negotiation can resume.”
Blindfolded in the back seat of the limo, I chastize myself for being in this position. Why did I insist on respecting the loss of my brother at my expense? I wasn’t even close to Ryan.
Part of me—the last bit of the little girl in me—wanted to be there for my family in our time of grief. I didn’t want to add to my mother’s heartache as she mourned the death of Ryan.
But she wasn’t worried about me. She was angry that I stood up for myself and refused their plan.
Ashamed and furious, I lay on the back seat, wishing I had listened to Sean when he told me I wasn’t out of danger. He warned me I didn’t grasp how vile my father could be.
He was right.
If Ihadlistened, we could be eating Pop-Tarts in my lovely new flat. We couldn’t be a couple, but I would be safe, and I could start over.
The limo stops, and Vladmir removes the fabric covering my eyes. “We’re here—home away from home. After wedding, I take you to mother Russia. You be good wife. You see.”
I shudder as thoughts of wedding night horrors flash through my head. Tears burn behind my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall.
Arkady gets out and extends a hand. “Out.”
I don’t move to comply, and Vladmir places a firm hand on my arm. “Obey Arkady, Piper. Don’t make him hurt you again.”
As if he cares. It’s not like I’ve forgotten the evil glint in his eyes as he pommeled my face and tore the flesh off my cheek with his ring.
He didn’t care about me being hurt then.
I can’t see a way out of this, and they won’t hesitate to rough me up, so I comply. I slide along the leather seat and get out without touching Arkady or letting him touch me. We’re parked at the back of a house, but I can’t see anything beyond that.
Salt hangs heavy in the breeze, so we must be near the bay. South of the city, maybe? I need to get my bearings so I can plan my escape.
Vladmir leads the way, and Arkady remains within striking distance, so I follow. They escort me through a mud room entrance and up a narrow corridor. Arkady stops before a closed door and then ushers me inside.
It’s a standard guest bedroom setup: a bed flanked by nightstands, a chest of drawers with a mirror over it, and nothing in the way of personal items or finishing touches.
I turn to say so but my comment dies in my throat. Arkady is right in my face and before I know what’s happening, he’s got my wrists bound with wide plastic tie wraps. “What the hell?”
I fight his hold, and he shoves me with both hands. The contact knocks me back onto the bed and then he’s climbing over me, grabbing my bound wrists.
“Get off me!” I’m about to lose my mind when he releases my wrists and rolls off the bed. My arms are stretched above my head and my shackles are locked onto the headboard.
Vladmir grins and moves to the side of the bed. “We leave you now, firesnapper. Arkady and I will check on wedding preparations. Tonight is big night.”
“Tonight? I’m not marrying you.”
Vladmir grips my jaw and squeezes until tears burn behind my eyes. “I have papers. Your parents give you to me. You are mine.”
“I’mnotyours. Your papers mean nothing. This isn’t legal. Nothing about this is legal.”
“Legal? We are Bratva. Legal is nothing to do with anything.” He leans in, still gripping my jaw. “We should celebrate. Arkady, bring vodka…and the dress.”
The dress?Is he seriously so delusional that he actually thinks he can force me to marry him?