Page 65 of Dublin Devil

“There’s my sweet lass. Piper girl, I’ve missed you.” My grandmother is going deaf, and her announcement of my arrival is louder than I would’ve liked. She’s drawn the attention of both of my parents and Billy Gravely.

“Hello,Maimeó.” I kiss her cheek and wonder if I can wedge myself between my brother and my grandmother all night and avoid the fight storming toward me.

Judging by the look in Da’s eye and the speed at which he’s cutting through the crowd, that seems unlikely. But right before he gets to me, Mam grabs his arm and stops him. She leans close to his ear and my father’s fire seems to extinguish.

Billy Gravely is another story altogether.

“What the fuck did I miss?” Rory whispers in my ear.

“If I’m still breathing at the end of the night, I’ll tell you the whole horrible story.”

“Were you high when this happened?”

I take in Rory’s disbelieving expression and roll my eyes. “Please don’t joke. Not one bit of what happened is funny.”

“No, it’s not, but you have to admit a tale where Da sells you to the Bratva and Sean Quinn rescues you and nurses you back onto your feet sounds like something that might happen in a topsy-turvy mirror universe.”

“And yet it’s true. Vladmir waved the contract in my face and Da’s signature was right there at the bottom.”

“He’s fucking lost it.”

“I know. And there’s no way Mam didn’t know about it—at least after the fact—but she didn’t seem relieved to see me tonight at the wake. If anything, she seemed as angry as Da.”

Rory flops backward onto my mattress and stares up at the ceiling. “What are we going to do?”

“We? You don’t have to be dragged into this mess. I’m going to go to the funeral tomorrow and after we come home, I’m going to pack my things and move out.”

Rory props himself up on his elbows. “No way will they let you just move out. Besides, how do you rent a place without a job or references or money?”

“I’ll crash with friends for a bit while I pull that together.” In truth, I have a private bank account where I’ve been stashing my shopping allowance and any loose cash I found lying around.

I’ve got almost eight grand to make a new start.

But that’s not something I’ll share with anyone—even Rory. I love him to death, but I’ve seen how Da manipulates the boys to bend to his will.

“How much are you going to tell Mam and Da?”

“All of it. If they want to pretend the Quinns are the source of all evil and the ruination of our lives, that’s on them. I know better. Tag wants the truce. He has no interest in a power war. It’s all Da.”

“But they already killed Declan.”

“That was Tag’s right-hand man finding out Declan was sleeping with his girlfriend and using her to spy on them.”

“But didn’t they send her to spy onus?”

“Aye, Sean said Aiden fell in love and genuinely lost his head when he realized he was being played.”

Rory exhales. “And that was the curvy redhead with the tits?”

I frown at him. “All women have breasts, Rory. Maybe find another way to describe her.”

“The curvy redhead with the rocking, big tits?”

I roll my eyes at him. “All right. You better get clear of me. Mam and Da may have stayed late at the pub, but I have a feeling the first thing they’ll do when they get home is storm up here to grill and berate me.”

Rory sits up and shakes his head. “I’m sorry, sis. This is all kinds of fucked up.”

“I know, but at least I know what they’re capable of and won’t be caught unaware again. After the service tomorrow, I won’t be here to play the part of their pawn.”