He nods. “We had business at the docks, and I got word that McGuires had crossed to the north side of the river and were incoming. Two trucks arrived moments later, and it was an all-out battle.”
“Was it my fault? Did they come at you and your men because of me?”
“It’s not your fault. Your father has been breaking the truce agreements more and more over the past months. But yes, Ryan was leading the charge, shouting about me needing to give you back so they could fix your mess.”
“Fix my mess? Ryan thinks me fighting off pervy Russians and running for my life is me messing up? I really hoped my brothers would be on my side.”
“I’m sorry, P. That’s what he said.”
“Okay, then what?”
“Then the docks exploded into a battlefield. Ryan was gunning for me, so I holstered my weapon. We went at it fist to fist and I was besting him.”
Brendan grunts. “Of course you were.”
“Gravely saw that Ryan had lost the battle, and so he clocked me on the back of the head and took me down.” Sean turns to show me the back of his head and the blood matted into his hair.
I reach up and touch the swelling. “That’s one hell of an egg.”
“Aye. It hurts as much as my side does.”
“So, Ryan was down, and Billy hit you. Then was it Billy who stabbed you?”
“No. My guys saw Gravely hit me and two of them rushed to help. I was dizzy and couldn’t see…that’s when Ryan tackled me and stuck me with his blade.”
I’m following the story, and see the finish line coming. Even though I think I know what’s coming next, I need to hear him say it. “You killed Ryan?”
“No, I did.” Tag’s admission hits me hard, but there’s not one ounce of remorse in his gaze. “Our truce only goes so far. When I got there, Ryan had Sean down and was about to finish him. I stepped in and took the shot.”
The news hits me like a physical blow to the stomach. I can’t breathe. Another one of my brothers is dead at the hands of the Quinns.
Sean squeezes my hand again. “I’m sorry, Piper. Your brother is dead. It was him or me.”
I pull my hand free and cross my arms. A crushing weight of guilt and disloyalty presses at me from all directions. I convinced myself that Sean and his brothers were a different kind of crime family.
But when it comes down to it, they’re still the enemy.
I stand, unable to meet Sean’s gaze. “If you’ll all excuse me. I’d like to go lie down.”
Piper’s going to bolt.I see it in her eyes the moment Tag tells her he killed her brother. She pulls her hand out of mine and can’t get away from us fast enough.
If I could manage it, I would chase her down the hall, but I won’t be going anywhere for a few hours…maybe a few days.
I fucking hate being laid up, but with all the blood I lost and the crack to the head, I won’t get anywhere. And me face-planting in the hallway won’t improve my ugly mug any.
So, I do the only thing I can think of. I send Laine a pleading glance. “Can you please make sure she is okay?”
Her gaze is sharp, and I worry she sees too much, but I’m in no condition to front that I don’t care about Piper. Of course I care about her—I rescued her and have spent the better part of three days with her.
Tag walks Laine to the door, whispers something to her, and then closes the door before coming back.
“What did you tell her?” I don’t like the look he’s pegging me with, and my instincts are screaming at me that I won’t like what he says, either.
“I told her not to get too close to Piper. She’s upset and Laine’s pregnant.”