Page 41 of Dublin Devil

“Ballsy fuckers. Any idea where they’re headed?”

“Nope. Docks. Clubhouse. Warehouse. Your guess is as good as mine.”

“Thanks for letting me know. Anything else?”

“Do you need anything else to worry about?”

“Fuck no.”

“Then you’re good, because that’s all I’ve got.”

“Thanks, brother. Safe home.” I end the call with Gallagher and stamp out my smoke.

Striding back over to where the truck is parked, I press my fingers under my tongue and let off a whistle. When the eyes of my men are on me, I raise my arm and give the universal finger whirl that signals for them to wrap it up and get moving.

“What’s up, boss?” Kieran asks.

“We’ve got McGuires on our side of the river, boys,” I shout, loud enough so the boys within earshot will here. “Get the truck to the warehouse and phone ahead to Renzo and Deek to put them on alert.”

“On it.” Kieran jogs off to his bike, his cell at his ear.

“On your horse, Frenchie!” I gesture for him to get in the fucking truck and get it moving.

The rumble of the big diesel is reassuring, but then I turn and see two trucks baring down on us with men standing in the back, holding onto the headache rack.

Fucking hell.Striding across the concrete, I shout my orders. “Maxim, get the dockworkers out of sight. Drake, Micky, Tig, and Garret, get on your bikes and escort the truck. The rest of you are with me.”

There’s a moment of chaos as everyone runs to get it done, and I check the distance of the McGuire attack. There’s barely time, but I pull my cell and send Tag a heads-up.

McGuire attack at dock.

With that, I pull my gun and get ready. “I’m told Ryan McGuire is with them, boys. You know the rules. We don’t draw first blood on Mattie’s family. Anyone else is fair game.”

I’ve barely got the words out, and the trucks hit the brakes and find cover behind a freight container.

Then all hell breaks loose.

The good news is, they seem to be gunning for a fight and aren’t out to take down our shipment. The bad news is, I don’t want to go back to the safe house and tell Piper that Billy Gravely and her brother are on the north side.

“Are you lost, Ryan?” I shout, so he knows where to come if he’s after a Quinn. “Because you’re out of your territory.”

Niall, Declan, and Ryan were born from Mattie’s first marriage and bear little to no resemblance to Piper. Where she has the straight ebony hair, icy blue eyes, and soft features of her mother, they have dirty blond hair, angled features, and a chip on their shoulders from Mattie loving their mother first and most.

Billy Gravely, on the other hand, is dangerous. That asshole is tough as the side of a boot, and as mean as the devil himself.

As Ryan storms toward me, I see that his hands are empty, so I holster my gun and get ready for the fistfight that’s coming. “What’s so important that you’re willing to risk a clan war by coming here today, Ryan?”

“You’ve got my sister, you twisted fucks.” Ryan comes in, fists flying and it’s on. “You crossed a line, Sean.”

I laugh and bury my knuckles into his ribs. “It wasn’t me who crossed the fucking line. Your psycho father sold Piper’s virginity to those Bratva fucks, and they didn’t take it well that she didn’t want to be their plaything. They beat her to within an inch of her life.”

“That’s family business. Give her back.”

“You’re not even surprised.” I’m so stunned that he knew and doesn’t care about the arrangement that I miss the left hook that catches me in the jaw.

Fucking hell.

“You knew about the approved rape party your father set up and did nothing to help her?” Rage ignites in every cell of my body at once and I fight not to kill him. “Did you know about the marriage, too?”