Page 30 of Dublin Devil

“Why not? It’s just biology, right?”

He runs a rough hand through his hair. “Your first time should be memorable.”

I laugh and rub my thumb over the engorged head of his cock. Pre-cum has seeped through his Denver Hayes and my mouth waters just thinking about what he tastes like. “I have a feeling Sean Quinn is a memorable lay.”

“You’re killing me. You know that, right?” His voice is growing deep and husky, as his hand presses up against my clit. “Tag will fucking kill me.”

“Your brother doesn’t have to know. We’ll do the deed, burn off the crazy attraction arcing between us, and go back to our lives. No one will be the wiser.”

“Unless you get pregnant, because this is a safe house. Tag doesn’t supply condoms in the bedside table.”

I roll my eyes in the dark. “I won’t get pregnant. My mom has taken me for birth control shots since I was fifteen. I’ve got that covered. You haven’t got any gross STIs, do you?”

“What? No. I’m clean, but that’s not the point.”

With the two of us on our knees facing one another, I edge closer and slide my hand down the back of his boxers. His ass is toned and when I give his cheek a squeeze, I press my lips to his jaw. “Please, Sean. I want it to be you. I want you to be my first. I trust you.”

He tilts his head back as I nip my way across the tender flesh of his throat. “This is such a bad idea.”

“No, it’s not. It’s a fantastic idea.”

“I’m almost ten years older than you, Piper. You’d be young for Finn and I’m five years older than him.”

He’s spinning his wheels now and we both know it.

I use both hands to shove the waistband of his boxers down his muscled thighs and his cock springs free. “If you tell me what you like, I’ve always wanted to suck cock.”

His cock bobs forward in a pulse.

“Liked the sound of that, did you?”

Sean curses and then eases back. “You’re not sucking me off on your first time. If we do this, it’s all about you.”

“Then help me get naked and treat me right, Mr. Quinn, because I have a long list of firsts that need to be crossed off.”


She’s gonna get me killed. There’s no way this works out in my favor, but there’s also no way it’s not happening. I’ve always thought I’m a strong man who could handle any conflict that came my way.

I was so fucking wrong.

I’m weak. With Piper McGuire offering herself up to me—demanding I take her virginity, there’s no way I can say no.

I don’twantto say no.

“You’re still really beaten up, so I’ll be gentle.” I ease the t-shirt she’s wearing up her tender side and over her head. Her ebony hair falls free from the collar and rains down around her shoulders. It falls to cover the milky skin of her collarbone and brushes her naked breasts.

Damn, she’s fucking perfect.

I tried my best not to look while I scooped her off the sidewalk and got her changed into the sweatsuit, but I may have noticed a few of her highlights.

Now, being able to look at her without guilt or self-loathing, she takes my breath away.

“You are so fucking beautiful.”

She snorts. “Easy on the flattery, Quinn. I look like roadkill and I’m a sure thing. No need to sweet talk me.”

I can’t hold back the grumble that rumbles from my throat. “That’s not false flattery, Piper. It’s a fact. From the sleek ebony of your hair, to the soul-shattering ice blue of your eyes, to the little dimple that shows up in your right cheek when you smile, you’re a stunner.”