Page 28 of Dublin Devil


“You have that homicidal gleam you get when you are envisioning dismembering someone,” Bryan says.

I focus on my second glass and take a normal, calm drink. “Well, if I do, it’s justified.”

“How so?” Tag’s question sounds casual enough, but he knows me and he’s reading my reaction.

It’s his fucking superpower, and it’s annoying as hell.

“This stays in the vault, got it?” I stare down the twins, to make it clear I’m speaking to them. “Not a word to anyone.”

Brendan shrugs. “Sure. Whatever.”

“Cool. Got it.” Bryan climbs onto one of the bar stools. “The secret is in the vault.”

I pull the folded contract from my back pocket and hand it to Tag. “Mattie actually signed away Piper to sweeten the gun deal. He offered her virginity to them during negotiations and then, if the fat one likes her, he can take her home as a parting gift.”

That earns a round of cursing and what the fucks.

Bryan scowls. “I told you. He’s fucked in the head.”

Tag frowns. “I don’t even know how to process this.”

“It can’t be legal, right?” Brendan looks between us. “I know arranged marriages can be legal, but Piper is nineteen. She’s an adult.”

“I can’t see how it could be legal.” Tag hands it to Bryan. “Go make a copy of this, and we’ll take it home to Laine. She’ll know better than we do.”

That’s a good idea.

A lot of loud Russian cursing booms from the back room, and Tag finishes his drink. “All right, boys. Looks like the meeting is in session. Let’s go find out what kind of deal Mattie McGuire made with the Bratva, how we can break it, and then what we can do to send them home happy so they stay the fuck out of our city.”

I finish my drink and fight the urge to bring the bottle. As much as I’d like to take the edge off my homicidal gleam, as Bryan called it, if liquid sedation lets my guard down, I’ll likely put two plugs in their skulls.

And that will piss Tag off.



Iwake screaming, and when I jolt upright in bed, my cries of panic turn to pain. Agony grips me, the sudden movement of my bruised ribs stealing my breath.

Heavy footfalls precede the darkness of the room being broken. The door swings open and light from the bathroom silhouettes Sean racing toward the bed.

“You’re all right, Piper. You’re safe. I’ve got you. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

His arms come around me, and I cling to him, the terror of my dream still suffocating me. “There’s a contract…” I gasp, envisioning Vladmir waving those papers in my face. “My father gave me to them.”

“Shh… Piper. Don’t think about that. You’re here with me and you’re safe. There’s no way I’ll let your father, or those Russians take you back. You’re safe.”

I push the covers out of my way and crawl into his lap. My breathing is shallow and quick. There’s not enough oxygen in the room. “I can’t breathe. I’m dizzy. What’s wrong with me?”

Warm hands clasp the sides of my face as he bends to meet my gaze. He presses our foreheads together, his emerald green eyes all that I can see before me. “You’re in a bit of a panic, but it’ll be fine. You just need to look into my eyes and trust me. Do you trust me?”

Do I?“Aye, I do.”

“Good girl.” He takes my hand and presses it on his bare chest, right over his heart.

In my mind’s eye, I envision the elaborate Celtic cross he has inked there. It’s bold and sexy and thinking about touching it steals my breath even more than my nightmare did.