I'm annoyed—is he leaving his office unattended where anyone could wander in and try to access files again?
As we reach the open doorway, it becomes apparent as to why it's wide open.
Sitting inside Dr. Smith's office in the usual guest chairs is Mr. Whittingham and… Alexander.
My brows crease together as I'm ushered inside by Dr. Smith, noting an extra chair has been set up where we normally play chess. I sit down, looking at the two men suspiciously.
What the hell is this about?
I don't speak yet, just watching them as Dr. Smith takes a seat at his table, humming happily to himself. Whittingham hasn't taken his eyes off me since I walked in, a serious expression on his face. However, his guest has barely acknowledged my presence at all.
"Thank you for joining us, Ms. White," Mr. Whittingham starts, a slightly aggressive tone to his voice.
"I didn't have a choice," I murmur.
Out of the corner of my eye, I swear I see Dr. Smith try to hide a smile, but I keep my gaze on the other two men.
"You remember Alexander?" Whittingham says, gesturing to his colleague.
I nod once. "Yes."
"Avery," Dr. Smith interjects. "They wanted to organize a meeting to discuss your return. I thought it was best to have me here for support."
Finally, I pull my attention away, looking at Dr. Smith. "I've been back for nearly two weeks. What do you mean my return?"
Mr. Whittingham clears his throat. "Your stipulations, if you will."
My blood freezes, eyes narrowing on the well-dressed men. "What about them?"
Alexander takes notice of me for the first time, his sharp eyes piercing into my face. "I'm told that you haven't been following Arthur's conditions."
"Stipulations," I point out. "And I have nothing to report—to either of you."
"Now, that's not true, is it?" Mr. Whittingham hisses, catching me off-guard. "Besides that, you were advised not to interact with certain students. However, as you know, I spotted you with them."
I feel anger flood through my system, my fists curling in my lap. "There's only so manypatientshere. How do you expect me to avoid them?"
He opens his mouth to speak but Alexander raises a hand to Mr. Whittingham's face. "I'm here tocollect, Ms. White."
"I just told you—I don't have anything to report to you either."
Alexander straightens up in his spot, intimidation starting to emanate from him. "Any information is appreciated."
I fold my arms when I notice Dr. Smith staring at my fists, hiding my hands under my elbows. "I have nothing."
"This is bullshit," Whittingham hisses in frustration. "I told you not to accept her back," he adds the last part to Alexander.
"Now, now," Dr. Smith says calmly, eyes shifting between the two men. "Let's try to take a breath. Perhaps you could start by providing examples of what you need from Avery. She's been through a lot. This conversation isn't beneficial to any party right now."
"Don't patronize me, Christopher," Alexander snarls. "You and I will be having a conversation next."
Dr. Smith raises an eyebrow, the calm demeanor vanishing before my eyes. "Let me guess—about the new psychiatrist you have coming on board?"
The other two men look surprised, making him smile.
"Yes," Dr. Smith laughs coolly. "I'm well aware. Apparently, all the other staff knew about the newcomer except me. People talk in the staff room."
A new psychiatrist?