Chapter 15
"End what?" I ask, eyes shifting to Grey.
A few weeks ago, I would have automatically assumed they meant my life. Yet, despite Damon's recent threats to my existence, I'm feeling at ease. Well, as much as possible given the circumstances.
"I cannot have you pair dancing around each other on edge. You both work for me, therefore, consider this myblessing."
What the hell does that even mean?
Grey and I have already made our peace—I said what I needed to say, and he has somewhat accepted the fact we need to co-exist. Despite the obvious fact that we are nothing more than acquaintances now, I thought there was nothing else we could work out.
Grey lifts an eyebrow at Damon. "Your blessing?"
"Whatever you wish to call it," he grunts, annoyed.
It's clear that Damon has never given a so-called blessing in his life. Then again, I've only ever known him to take, rather than give. Sure, he looks after people in his society—treats themto luxuries not ordinarily granted to us, but that comes with a price.
It's payment.
This is something different.
I stay quiet, gaze flickering between them as they have some silent conversation that I'm not privy to. Probably would have made more sense to discuss it before fetching me from my metal confinement, but who knows what goes on in that head of his.
"And what exactly has changed since our last discussion?" Grey asks casually. "I thought we both made our positions clear."
Damon looks at me, eyes scanning over my straightened figure. "We did. However, let me be clear—you are both being pains in my ass recently. To make this work, it needs to be under my terms."
"You can't dictate relationships—whatever they may be," I mumble.
"Yes, I can," he says sternly. "Therefore, I have some rules for you to follow."
I raise an eyebrow at him. "Let me just stop you right there. Whatever happens is between Grey and I. This doesn't involve you, no matter how much you think it does. We're not going to be monkeys in your circus—pun intended."
I swear I see Grey's lips twitch as he fights a smirk, but I'm too focused on Damon. I never know what reaction I'll get from him when I fight back, so when he just smiles, I'm immediately on guard.
"I don't give a fuck whatyoudo, Avery. I cannot be more clear—you mean absolutely nothing to me. However, Grey is important. But for some reason, you have a hold on him that is creating a problem with my plans."
Grey shakes his head, laughing as he picks up the knife. He presses the sharp tip into his finger, drawing blood. "Careful, Deadman," he warns.
"Don't patronize me, Grey," Damon shoots back. "She has a hold on you, and you know it. Therefore, I need you both to sort this mess out. Fuck each other if you have to. But from here on out, I expect no more spectacles or else I'll be forced to show my hand."
My heart is racing like a speeding bullet. I had every intention of chasing Grey and getting his attention—even if it meant just being friends. But this… is this the push we need? Is it theshovethat Grey needs?
From Damon of all people?
It feels like I've entered into an alternate universe or the Twilight Zone. Keeping my mouth shut, I wait for them to finish their conversation, worried I might blow the only chance I have.
"I have to go speak to Byrone. I'll give you an hour. Don't mess up my room," Damon scolds us, walking past me out the door. He slams it closed behind him, the familiar sound of the lock clicking into place.
He's locked us in here. Together.
Slowly, I turn my gaze to Grey on the bed, smiling at him sheepishly. "That was bizarre," I say awkwardly.
Grey scans my face, still rolling the blade between his fingers. "Classic Damon."
I hover in place, glancing around at Damon's room to distract myself from the inevitable conversation coming. If I give myself a few moments to collect my thoughts, I might save myself from word vomiting again.