“Good. Because…in the art of nyotaimori, the platter for the food must be silent and still. We will be watching, dream weaver,” warns Hecate, waving her chopsticks before turning to me.

With a chuckle, I lean back in my seat, relaxing my wings, and take a moment to admire our platter. Red silk ropes bind her to the table, coiling around her knees like crimson serpents, keeping her open and on display. Zenya’s arms remain crossed in the small of her back. It lures her into a delicate arch, thrusting her breasts out for us.

She is like a lovely little moth pinned to our table.

Colorful sashimi, like a rainbow, lies across her belly—salmon, tuna, yellowtail, mackerel. Sushi adorns her ribs. Cuts of eel between her breasts, drizzled with rich, erotic sauce.Salmon roe, these tiny morsels of eggs spiral around her nipples. Royal purple orchids frame her sex. A flask of sake lies between her thighs.

As Hecate and I prepare to conduct business, Zenya does her best to breathe shallowly so she doesn’t disturb the delicacies. For now, she serves as a decoration. And since the subject matter will revolve around her, it will be interesting to see how she responds.

I lift the flask of sake, smirking at how Zenya’s body heat has warmed the wine. My shadows brush her skin as I fill my cup and offer it to Hecate, who nods gratefully and fills hers, too. When we are done, I lightly grind the flask against the mortal’s folds, pleased by how she remains perfectly still.

Hints of jasmine perfume the air along with the oily aroma of the salty fish.

After Hecate takes a cut of eel with her chopsticks, and I help myself to a slice of yellowtail from our platter’s belly, the Goddess commences the discussion. “What have you told her, Morpheus?”

I wave my chopsticks in the air and shrug. “Not much. We’ve been far too busy enjoying our time together, haven’t we, Zenya?” I savor the yellowtail, then select one of the sushi rolls, prodding her ribs with my chopsticks.

Zenya remains stoic, but I detect a slight tug of one corner of her mouth as if to say,Nice try, Morpheus.Smug-ass little dreamer.

“As enjoyable as she is, Lord of Dreams, there has never been a war between the Oneiroi as intense as this one,” Hecate points out and chooses a dragon roll from Zenya’s side.

Gooseflesh sprouts on our little mortal’s skin. Her arousal glistens on her labia. The torch tattoo along her brow seems to glow with an inner light. Goddess light.

“I am aware.”

One by one, the sushi rolls disappear from Zenya’s flesh. An oily sheen is left behind, coating her skin with a shine. She is a treasure we are unearthing with every bite.

“The world of mortals will be impacted.” Hecate tilts her head and examines a salmon egg, the size of a pea.

The Goddess lowers it to Zenya’s lips, tempting her, but our dreamer does not move. Utterly motionless. Her lips are lightly parted but still, even as Hecate tantalizes her with the rosy jewel, rubbing it along her lower lip. Still, Zenya does not respond. Such a good little platter.

“Dreams and nightmares will grow aggressive and more frequent,” continues Hecate. “Hypnos will sense the impact and the withering of his power.”

“Oh, Daddy likes me best. I’m sure he will love Zenya once I introduce her.”

Hecate sighs and traces her chopsticks around Zenya’s nipple. “Morpheus, you could stand to take things a little more seriously.”

“What’s the fun in that?” I fold my hands behind my back and wink at Zenya. That slight tug of the corner of her lips. But she doesn’t so much as blink.

Hecate rolls her eyes. “I should have known not to have an adult conversation with a man who still acts like a child on his playground of dreams.”

“What can I say?” I open my palms. “The subconscious world is my oyster. And I have pearls to harvest.” Flexing my wings, I select a flushed pink one from Zenya’s right nipple, touching my chopstick to the stiff bud, lingering. A quick intake of breath, but she otherwise stays calm.

“You know why I am here…”

Tension tightens my wings. “Obviously. Nyxion sent you.”

“I agreed to open the border for him.”

I curl my upper lip in a silent snarl, possessively curving my wings toward my little wonder. Zenya’s breath heaves and cleaves with her anxiety. Righteously so. I can only imagine the punishment Nyxion has in store for her. But it’s not lost on me how the heat between her legs grows at such a notion. Or how her heart rate kicked up a notch.

Thankfully, she is in my realm tonight, and if my dastardly older brother comes to reclaim what we’ve both rightfully stolen, I will ensure he never sees the light of day again. He will perform his nightmares in a never-ending prison of dreams for eternity.

Hecate swirls her wine. “Provided he grants me access to all mortal nightmares…as you will allow me to do the same with dreams.”

“Why would I do that?” I curl my shadows casually between my fingers despite the thickening tension.

“Because my magic will be mutually beneficial for us all. It will bring a sense of peace and inspiration to the subconscious world to compensate for the loss of deeper periods of sleep. If it should incite urges for women to embrace their dark femininity, so be it.”