Phantasos chuckles. “They’re both annoying.”

“Oh, Phantasos!!!”

The middle brother turns as white as a sheet.

I swing my eyes to the far end of the doorway in the direction of the high-pitched sing-songy voice, which sounds awfully young.

“I’m not here,” Phantasos juts a finger toward the three of us, his expression panicked. “You didn’t see me. You saw nothing!”

Without another word, he transforms into a multi-colored lollipop, leaving me more baffled than ever when a little girl struts into the great hall like she owns the place.

Chapter 10

She is a messed-up brain matter.


“Little Me” by Nightcore Version

Ishake my head with an airy chuckle at the familiar, little one who has been undoubtedly searching high and low for my brother.

Zenya is still little more than a shadow, but I sense her puzzled state thanks to what lives inside her. I also know Nyxion has rightfully changed her garb to something more appropriate given the new company.

Ivy sweeps into the great hall, a flurry of blonde ringlets and a fury of a spirit. Or I’d imagine so since my first glimpse of her when she slipped through Purgatory’s cracks and ended up in my realm. Unlike Zenya, she is simply a dream walker. Not a dream weaver.

Not as rare of a phenomenon for a child.

Hands on her hips, pert little nose in the air, emotions in a tizzy, Ivy strolls up to the supper table and shoots her head toward me.

I lift my goblet to my lips as she says, “Where is he, Lord Morpheus?”

“I’ve seen nothing, my child,” I smirk. It’s pretty much true. “And you don’t need to say ‘Lord’. Yes, we are gods, but we are spirits. Daemons, if you will. We are minor gods. We merely personify dreams.”

“Like baby gods? Do you have to go to school?” she asks in her flippant, childish tone since she is very much a child.

“Clearly, we need a better PR team, Nyxion.” I salute him with a lift of my goblet.

“We should consult with Hades.” He rolls his eyes, maintaining his tight hold on Zenya. “He seems to be the popular one these days. Just don’t ask Eros. He’ll rant on forever, playing the victim that he is portrayed as a diaper-clad baby, even though he held the Scepter of the Universe before Zeus.

“Oh, woe is him.”

“He’s too busy with his new Queen in any case,” he dismisses.

“Yes, taking mortals as queens seems to be a trend.” I narrow my gaze on him because I will always lamentably see my brother’s endless, black orbs.

He growls low, but Ivy circles the table. Considering how Zenya has straightened, I get the sense she has sent Ivy a hint of where Phantasos is hiding.

“There you are!” Ivy gushes, her hands cupping just beneath her chin, her tone like popping bubbles. “Aww, now, come on out, Phanta. I found you fair and square.” She pokes the lollipop, then leans down to whisper, “I’ll lick you, you fabulous god, you. And it’s not like I’ve brushed my teeth anytime recently.”

Nyxion and I chuckle right before Phantasos metamorphoses before her. I sense his multi-colored robe from here. It’s bright enough to penetrate my muted vision.

Zenya giggles and wiggles off Nyxion’s lap, making her way to the opposite side of the table. My wings preen as she passes, casting her fragrance into the air. Nyxion throws a bone-shaped cookie at me in a not-so-subtle warning. It bounces off my head. But nothing he will do will nullify my hunger for her. It’s honestly his fault.

“Phanta!” Ivy squeals and throws her arms around my brother.

Heated amusement ripples through me as Phantasos prickles, at a loss for words for once in his life, right before he cups her shoulders.

“Child, how many times have I told you? You belong in Purgatory! With Eros.”