“Keep sniping, little killer, and I’ll add a butt plug.”
“You wouldn’t da—oh, you fucker!” She reaches for my shoulders, throwing her head back from the sudden plug buried inside her.
“What a sight you are…dripping all over your cage,” I chuckle, running my finger between the bones to capture her arousal like heated dew glistening on her folds. “The plug isformed of star bones—yes, they have skeletons in my realm. And anytime I desire, the plug will heat your pretty ass, but you will not come until I say. Is that understood?”
When she doesn’t respond, I give her ass a swat. “Understood, understood!” she cries.
“Master,” I correct her as we’ve had this conversation the past week.
Good girl.
At some point, I will address how she has no reservations about any of this. How she seems to have no desire to return to the waking world. But that will come later.
“Are you ever going to take me out of the castle and show me other places? Not just the forest,” she adds, tone hopeful as she circles her finger.
“You will gowhereI say. And you will always comewhenI say.” I finalize with a growl and send a surge of heat into her ass while commanding the fangs to bite her nipples.
“Oh, god! In your dreams.”
“You’re inmynightmare, Zenya.” I blow cold breath along her wet pubic lips. “Remember that.”
Digging her fingers into my shoulders, she mumbles, “Guess I’ll have to find my own adventure. And my way out of here.”
“Try and run from me, little girl, I’ll put a bone collar on you with a leash so tight, your very skin will grow into mine until we become oneflesh.”
“You say the sweetest, morbid things, Master.”
I’ll be doing the sweetest, morbid things to her soon enough.
Chapter 9
Maybe I should have tattooed DNR onto my chest.
“Numb Little Bug” by Em Beihold
“Symptom of Being Human” by Shinedown
“God Must Hate Me” by Catie Walker
By the end of this supper, I’m going to end up on my fucking knees begging Nyxion to let me come in any breaths I can take between him face fucking me.
At least Glitz n’ Goddess doesn’t make me feel awkward. Instead, she kisses me on each cheek, and I insist on Nyxion letting her give us a brief performance before dinner.
Morpheus doesn’t take his eyes off me during her dance. Neither does Nyxion, but the God of Nightmares has placed me on his lap in full view of Morpheus on the opposite side. His goal is obvious with how much he teeters on stroking my privates, showing his brother what is just out of reach.
I squirm in his arms, but it helps to focus on their other brother’s show. An upbeat and vivacious gold flurry of a waltz to the song “I’m Coming Out” by Diana Ross. The music seems to manifest from nowhere, and I’ve never been more thrilled by this alternate world with its limitless imaginings.
It doesn’t take long for me to go from squirming to bouncing, dancing on Nyxion’s lap to Glitz’s rhythm until she arrives at my side and offers her hand.
At first, Nyxion tightens his hold, but he’s not about to stop me. One slug from my elbow—okay, I needed more than one because he’s a goddamn wall of granite muscle—and I seize his brother’s hand, laughing when Glitz twirls me. The ends of my nightdress flick against Nyxion’s face. I can’t even care about the fangs stinging my nipples or the heat surging into me because all the tattoos on my body have burst to life!
“Oh, yes, darling, dream weave for me,” Glitz swoons and touches one fingertip to my chin, tilting in encouragement. The stars on my right arm swirl a golden halo around her head.
God, I won’t mention how jealous I am of her hair when she throws those long dark waves back. I’ve tinkered with different colors, deciding on purple as my favorite, but seriously, what a mane on her!