Page 9 of Little Doll

The other maid grabbed the pin and with wide eyes, I watched her nudge the round, hard handle into her friend’s pussy. I sucked in a deep breath. The maid on the table collapsed flat onto her back, and her spine arched up and down as she convulsed with pleasure. “YEEEESSS,” she snarled between gritted teeth. Her friend reached a frantic rhythm of thrusting the fat handle in and out and bent to swirl her luscious tongue on the clit of her lover, who was mad with ecstasy.

Personally, I think having me watch enhanced the whole thing for them, but I might be wrong.

The tea kettle began to scream, and the maid’s body froze and tensed. She kicked her legs wider, as wide as they would go. Her body convulsed, and she grunted out her orgasm long and mad like a woman possessed by a demon.

I poured my tea, pondering how sanitary these dishes were, and then found that I did not care.

After my mid-morning snack with entertainment, I visited The Gilded Serpent’s private haberdashery to select new clothes for the day. The manager greeted me warmly. He provided me with a spectacular silk black suit that I knew would fit me impeccably when I put it on after having a wash.

“Wait three days at least before you send the bill to Blackmoth House,” I told him. “I don’t want them to know where I am at the moment.”

The manager gave me a wide, knowing smile, and I gave him a wink.

I spent the rest of the day kicking around The Gilded, trying to determine what I’d do with myself that night. I also spent some time daydreaming about the little doll back at home, and picturing her writhing in her bed, sweating and feverish, suffering from brutal nightmares and trembling in pain.

When I was having a smoke in the library that afternoon, a fellow mentioned a party going on in the evening at the King mansion up on the hill.

I grinned, settling on what I would do that night.

Parties at the King mansion were legendary for being boring affairs full of mundane people. Charlie King was a well known pompous blowhard who’d enjoyed a lifetime of luxury and comfort thanks to money his family had long before his birth. He hosted lavish parties to have people in to tell him how grand he was, when in fact, I had it on excellent account that he was an impotent, sour, husk of a man.

A man’s wife tells you such things after you fuck her.

Izetta King was nothing more than a trophy to Charlie. Although she was fifteen yearsmysenior, she was twenty years younger than old Charlie. He’d probably never been able to throw her some cock for the entire life of their marriage. He was, however, very generous with his fists and his rage, which he fed to Izetta nightly.

That’s why I had a fairly easy time luring her away from one of my parents’ parties and fucking her brains out a few years back. After that, we’d met up regularly for me to give her what she was missing, with old Charlie being none the wiser.

The problem was, she wanted me tosaveher.

And I’ll admit, on a couple of occasions, I had tried. Once I met up with her and found her with burns upon her silky flesh and obvious difficulty walking from her pain. A second time when we met, she was so battered and bruised, her face so swollen that she was barely recognizable. I hadn’teven been able to bring myself to fuck her. In such situations, even a heart black as mine is affected.

Both times, I’d spirited Izetta away and arranged a safe place for her to hide. But, in both those cases, she returned to Charlie on her own accord. So, I’d decided not to save Izetta anymore.

I hadn’t seen her in nearly a year. I’d heard that her most recent run in with her husband’s fists had landed her in the hospital, and damn near in the grave. I did not go to her. I did not visit her. I left her to deal with it alone. Often, I’d thought of her and imagined her longing for me and hating me when I did not come.

But here I was, finding myself with a few days to fill. So, I slipped into the crowded King mansion up on the hill unnoticed. I drifted about the crowd like a ghost waiting for her to appear. The music was so boring, nobody even bothered to dance. The food was bland and the drink weak. I saw plenty of Charlie blathering away amongst various throngs of party goers. But I lingered around so long waiting for a glimpse of Izetta that day gave way to night, outside the tall windows of the ballroom.

Maybe he finally killed her,I thought with a yawn.

Just as I was about to leave, there she was.

She entered the room quiet and meek, trying not to make a fuss. But she was so breathtaking that most everybody stopped talking to stare at her. She wore a fitted red gown that flared and fell in a five-foot train behind her. There were elaborate clusters of pink flowers and green leaves delicately embroidered all over the gown. The neckline scooped low, showing the swell of her bosom heaving with nervous breath and undoubtedly a corset that was too tight for her to breathe properly. Her curly brown hair was free, cascading down her back and past her waist, with pink flowers woven among the waves.

A black velvet cord with a line of blood red rubies encircled her neck; so tight it was almost as if the aim was to choke her.

My breath caught in my throat. I had a moment of deep regret that I had not come for her. Especially since the most jaw dropping element of Izetta King that night was that she leaned heavily on an ornately carved cane, relying on it to help her walk. Had he… Permanently damaged her?

She caught sight of me almost immediately. Normally, that would bring a becoming pink rising to her cheeks. But this time, all the color bled from her face and her ruby red lips dropped slightly agape. I was too far from her to tell for sure, but her eyes sparkled as though they’d filled with tears.

Damn it.

She gathered her composure and turned to address some of her guests and altogether ignore me.

Oh, so that’s how we’re going to play it.

But the wonderful thing was that Izetta was like a moth to a flame. She was addicted to me. Obsessed. She couldn’t stay away. Also, I struck up a conversation with Charlie, which put her into a nervous state. It wasn’t even midnight yet when she pulled me into an empty corridor outside the ballroom.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she hissed.