I expected her to gasp, to draw back her hand in fear. To cower away from me. But she did none of that. Instead, she smiled, and she slid her thumb softly against my cheek, to and fro. “Isthat all?” she whispered. “I thought it might be something like that.”
“You… You aren’t afraid of me? How on earth did you suspect?”
She giggled like a little imp. “Regular girls don’t normally play in their garden late at night, now do they? And no, I am not afraid,” she purred.
My tears had calmed, and my emotions simmered down. But now another sort of heat seeped through me. “How? How are you not afraid?” I asked.
“I know you could never hurt me,” Ren breathed, leaning close and pressing her forehead against mine.
Chapter 18
Fane made someadjustments to certain parts of Blackmoth House to make them more accommodating to me in the daytime. I still spent a lot of time in my stone tower, and in Astrid’s quarters, so that she wouldn’t be lonely. But he covered the windows in my old room with blackboards so that I could have some place to go with Ren when she came to visit me. He also had the library windows fitted with iron shutters so that if we wanted to spend time there, Fane would go in first and shut out the light. He acted as if his mission in life was to keep me safe.
I saw more of my brother Draven in the days that followed. He asked about the strange boards over my windows and the dark shutters in the library. I claimed the onset of my crippling migraine headaches had caused me to shy awayfrom light, and that changes had been made to help me.
It wasn’t really a lie. I suffered from a headache every other night, at least. Some nights, I didn’t even get out of bed. Fane would steal away into the woods and return with a dead fox or rabbit for me, but the access to newly dead blood hardly did anything to soothe my pain. When it got too bad, and when all else failed, Fane would secret me away to my stone room and allow me to feed from the hearty blue veins of his wrist. He would grimace at the crunch, but then a lovely smile consumed his face as he closed his eyes and tipped his head back.
I had to rely on my own self-control to stop in time. To refrain from changing him or killing him. Fane seemed to become too caught up in the feeling of my sharp teeth in him to stop me. It was almost as though he didn’t care if I turned him into a vampire accidentally.
Despite the pain, and the hunger… We settled into a slow and easy routine. Sometimes it was Fane and Ren and I, late at night in the garden with Astrid. It was so good to share the secret of our little vampire child with someone outside our clan, although our mother would have our heads if she knew.
Other times, Fane and I played board games in the library with Draven. More like I played, and Fane suffered through. I was glad to once againbe in the company of Draven, but as my relationship with Mother deteriorated, I began to see why Fane hated him.
She had a way of making herself present with us and showering Draven with affection and praise, while sneering upon Fane and me with contempt and disdain. Where once she and I had shared a bond that had seemed unbreakable, now it seemed her love was reserved only for Draven. In truth, I began to struggle with dark and jealous feelings toward Draven, where in the past there had only been love.
All the same, all troubles were made better by Ren. Her presence. Her laughter, livening the corridors of Blackmoth House. Someone to share the magic of the place. Someone to share the burden of our secrets. To Fane and me, she became like another member of our family. A tight little secret family.
Chapter 19
Nova’s new littlefriend intrigued me.
I didn’t know where on earth she came from, but frankly, I did not care. I didn’t necessarily believe the amateur botanist story, although Ren did have a never-ending supply of utterly boring facts about twigs and leaves. She could talk for hours about flower petals and, although I couldn’t care less about what she was saying…
I could watch her lips move with unwavering attention.
Ren was everything this family was not. Lively, energetic, smiley and generally pleasant. Well, maybe Draven shared those attributes, but unlike Draven, Ren was also smart. It was that feature of hers that perhaps charmed me the most. Although, I would admit that I was quite charmed imagining what might lie beneath the daintycolorful dresses Ren wore. She always had a high neck collar and long sleeves. Being close to that night after night made me obsess over imaginings of what her skin looked like underneath it all. Made me crave the feel of her. Made me yearn for the taste of her.
Meanwhile, she didn’t appear to notice that I existed. I was simply a thing that belonged to Nova and Astrid. Like a servant basically, who dwelled only on the outskirts of the little world they created together.
That’s why I was so terrifically surprised the night that she stuck her tongue down my throat.
Astrid had long since drifted off to sleep and been taken to bed. Nova had been nursing a headache all day and evening, and as soon as we put Astrid down and returned to the garden, her migraine erupted.
It was awful watching it happen to her. Her already pale skin would grow even more ashen and gray as close to death as a living thing could look. Although, technically, Nova couldn’t be considered a living thing. Even the minute twinkle of a star high overhead was enough light to blind her with pain. Even the quiet sound of leaves tossing in the breeze was enough to make her cry.
Everything tortured Nova when these damned migraines struck. And nothing seemed to help her.
Except sometimes, Ren.
That night, we three were in the forgotten back garden, up in the ridiculous tree. I was on a limb higher than my ladies, who were on a thicker branch beneath me. From my vantage point, I could look on as Ren gingerly cradled my little doll’s head in her lap. She bent close to Nova’s ear, and I could just barely hear her shhhh and sigh, whispering comforting words. Nova’s eyes were sealed closed, and she whimpered. She writhed slightly, even though she was trying to stay still. But the pain was too much and caused her waif like body to jolt. However, Ren was finally able to calm her and send her off to a dreamworld that would hopefully heal her.
In fact, I myself became intoxicated by Ren’s whispering voice. As Nova calmed, so too did I become drowsy with heavy eyes. I vaguely contemplated that if I fell asleep, I could very well slip out of the limbs of the tree and break my neck, falling to my death. But under the influence of Ren’s voice whispering on the night wind, I couldn’t be convinced to care much.
But, when she slid onto the branch next to me, I startled back to alertness and back to caring.