Page 21 of Little Doll

She grinned. “Yes, quite. It’s different from vampire to vampire, what impact it will have on you. I’m told that my blood, for lady vamps, can be… Orgasmic.”

The familiar ache in my teeth surfaced once again. I licked them and the two tiny sharp fangs extended.

“Now, my question for you is if you would be a dear and let your old tired Carmilla have a nip of your blood too?”

My spine went rigid. The thought of her teeth sinking into my veins had not occurred to me and, in truth, it gave me a fright.

She reached across to me and took my hand. “Don’t worry, darling,” she purred. “It won’t hurt at all. In fact, I think you’ll find it will feel quite divine.”

I decided not to think about it for very long, and to trust her. From everything I’d heard of vampires, trusting one was the worst possible idea. But here I was in this world now, and I had no choice.

I lifted my right arm and turned my pale wrist inward to her.

She let out a soft hiss, and I watched her teeth extend before my eyes. It sent a vibrating thrill through me. She lifted her wrist to me as well.

“You’ll feel excited, but be careful,” she said. “Just poke your sharp little points in and suck. That’s it. No biting, no ravaging. Be gentle. Can you do that, Little Doll?”

I stared at her wrist, my mouth watering and arousal thundering in me. Unable to speak, I nodded vigorously.

She moved her wrist to my mouth, and I moved mine to hers.

My teeth were in her a split second before hers sunk into me. She’d told me to be gentle, but there was a delicious crunch when she bit me.

When Carmilla’s blood hit my tongue, my body turned to hot liquid. I sunk and slid off my seat onto my knees by her lap. I tilted my head back and sunk my teeth in to the bone. She groaned around my wrist and the low, sultry sound caused me to shriek against her as her warmth coursed into my mouth.

Pleasure swam through me and my cunt grew hot and wet. I had an overwhelming desire to be filled, to be fondled, to touch myself, to be touched. But I remained steadfastly latched onto her wrist and clutched it to my mouth with both hands. The delicate bones of her wrist cracked under my grasp.

I glanced up and saw Carmilla staring down at me as she sucked me. Tendrils of black looking smoke swirled around her. They snaked down her body and then mine, like ghostly fingers. I could feel their energy through the fabric of my dress and my body vibrated. The tendrils creeped down my dress and disappeared under the hem.

It was then that something entered me. It felt like fingers, delicate and gentle, moving in and out of me, coursing to the same rhythm as the blood flowing into my mouth.

My release was instantaneous.

My core felt as though it exploded into the same smoky material of Carmilla’s devilish tendrils as I came wildly while screaming and sucking at her wrist. She released my wrist and tossed her head back. She moaned and shook as though she were experiencing the same in her own way.

I fell limp with my head on her lap, still attached to her wrist, though barely a drop was coming now. “That’s enough, Little Doll, please let go,” she whispered, stroking the sweaty line where my hair met my face.

I did as she asked, spent and full. But within seconds, I sat back upright, feeling vibrant and full of energy for the first time since awakening into this nightmare.

She cupped my cheek, looking down at me lovingly. Then tossed her head back and laughed. She, too, looked awake and full of life now. “We’re going to have such fun!” she cried.

Chapter 9


Under Carmilla’s directions,we were deposited in a back alley outside a simple door that had a simple sign above it that read, “Salon Nocturne.” I shivered with a sudden onslaught of déjà vu, involuntarily transported to a very similar night with Fane not so long ago. But, before the little child had been stolen from this earth, and my life stolen from me, there had been a delicious time to be had.

Cousin Carmilla might provide an even more memorable experience.

She pushed open the door and ushered me inside with her gloved hand pressed to the base of my spine.

We stepped into a whole new world that I had never known existed.

It was a dark place with a cloud of smoke hanging over the crowd of people like a ghost. Itsmelled like burned breakfast syrup and flowers, and a raspy smoke that hurt my throat. Until my throat throbbed, shifted, and adjusted. There were little tables crammed into the large room, and at the far end opposite our entrance, a modest stage. Waitresses hurried among the tables, handing out drinks, smoke and good cheer, all the while entirely naked.

A tremendous variety of people in all manners of living inhabited the tables. One handsome man hung his head back and wore such a euphoric expression that he could almost be asleep. Except that a woman in a full skirt and an untied bodice and tits bouncing was on her knees between his thighs, and he slowly thrust his hips as he fucked her mouth with a cock too big to fit there.

At another table, a man and woman both sat staring at the tabletop. Sweating. Shaking, seemingly unaware of anything that was happening around them.