“Nova, only you can stop my tears,” I whispered. “Only you can make me happy again.”
We stood locked in one another’s gaze for so long that I began to lose my stamina on the fake tears. However, just in time, my little sister threw herself into my arms, clinging to me almost violently.
“I’ll do it, Fane,” she said.
“Thank you, Little Doll,” I whispered as I stroked her hair and held her.
My reasons for wanting to be turned truly were noble. I really did want to be there for Astrid forever. And young, strong, and capable to boot. I also wanted to take care of Little Doll. Allof that was true. But there was no reason I couldn’t also enjoy the transformation, was there? Duty did not have to be strictly tedious, did it? I had heardso manytales of how transformation to vampirism was the most painful and most sexually stimulating experience that any creature could ever go through.
I intended to make the most of it.
And none of the deviants I spent my time with gave a single shit about it. Except Astrid, of course. She would be left out of the event. But for the rest of us, I was determined to make it an occasion to be remembered for all eternity.
It was all arranged to take place in Nova’s hidden tower. Where we would neither be discovered nor overheard. Carmilla and Varney would be present to oversee, and Ren would be there to support me and calm Nova. But when I entered her chamber, I discovered the party had started without me.
Ren was naked and sprawled in Nova’s bed, next to Nova, who was also very naked. Carmilla, also nude and eye poppingly beautiful in her glory, straddled Ren’s mouth while giving her open wrist to Nova, who sucked at it greedily. Even as Ren’s tongue caused Carmilla to tip her head back and wail, her fingers moved in and out of Nova’s cunt.
I stopped dead in the doorway, made breathless by the scene.
Carmilla noticed me and gave me a tantalizing smile. “Ah, Fane! You’ve arrived. Nova wanted to be drunk for this. So, we’re intoxicating her.” Her voice was jovial and upbeat. And she closed her eyes and resumed moving her hips back and forth over Ren’s mouth.
Nova whimpered, a messy muffled sound with her mouth full of Carmilla’s bleeding wrist. Sounds of Ren whimpering also manifested from somewhere in the deep recesses of Carmilla’s cunt.
My cock got harder than it had ever been before, in an instant.
By the way that Nova squirmed and bucked her hips against Ren’s skilled hand, I sensed that her release was close. Carmilla pulled her wrist out of Nova’s mouth, which made my little doll cry out sharply. Carmilla left her open vein hovering six inches above my sister’s face and let the blood pour onto her lips and down her chin, neck, and then slip down to splatter on her tits.
Nova’s body stiffened so hard it must have been painful, but only for seconds before she spasmed and bucked wildly into Ren. Ren pulled her fingers out and Nova’s juices squirted down her legs and soaked her bed.
All the while, Varney sat in the chair across the room and read a book. I looked at him for a moment, thinking of cutting off his head andsetting him on fire for being such a dumb shit and ignoring this situation.
I tore at my clothes and was mostly undressed by the time I crossed the room and stood next to the bed.
Even as I arrived there, Carmilla was dismounting Ren’s face. Nova was still twitching and sighing, oblivious to anything but her desire.
Ren looked up at me with a purely filthy look of lust.
“Did you get to come, Willow Wisp?” I breathed.
With a petulant pout of her lip, which was still wet with the juices of an ancient vampire cunt, she shook her head no.
“Let me lay down where you are,” I suggested, sliding my hand along the length of my hard shaft. “And then you ride me while Nova bites me.”
I thumbed her bottom lip and slipped the digit into her mouth. “Would that be ok?”
She arched her back and moaned in response, her lips tight around my thumb. Then, she scrambled out of the bed to allow me to lie down on my back.
My heart thundered, and not in the usual way that it would when I was about to perform lewd sex acts. This was a ritual. This was the moment from which nothing would ever be the same again.
The time for me to become immortal had arrived.
I laid onto the bed and my head had barely hit the pillow before Ren had climbed on top of me and driven herself onto me. I growled as she bucked on my cock and ground her clit into my hard pelvis while she rode. Carmilla reached over me, her huge breasts in my face, and stroked Nova’s cheek. Nova jumped and her black eyes snapped open, for the first time realizing what was happening.
“Are you ready, Little Doll?” Carmilla whispered.
Her voice sounded far away to me as my attention returned to Ren. I looked up at her, getting harder and harder as I watched her throw her head back and call out in rhythmic, short yells of ecstasy.
“Just lean over to him and sink your teeth into his neck,” Carmilla gently instructed. “It will take a while, but when you feel his blood run cold, you will know that he is dead. You will think you should stop. But don’t stop.”